
Thursday 13 August 2009

"Human rights" only for the guilty not for the innocent in Labour Britain

This Guardian article has got me really angry. I appears that:
"Chief constables across England and Wales have been told to ignore a landmark ruling by the European court of human rights and carry on adding the DNA profiles of tens of thousands of innocent people to a national DNA database.

Senior police officers have also been "strongly advised" that it is "vitally important" that they resist individual requests based on the Strasbourg ruling to remove DNA profiles from the national database in cases such as wrongful arrest, mistaken identity, or where no crime has been committed.

European human rights judges ruled last December in the S and Marper case that the blanket and indiscriminate retention of the DNA profiles and fingerprints of 850,000 people arrested but never convicted of any offence amounts to an unlawful breach of their rights.


The advice to senior officers comes in a letter from the Association of Chief Police Officers criminal records office. The letter, seen by the Guardian, tells chief constables that new Home Office guidelines following the ruling in the case of S and Marper are not expected to take effect until 2010.

"Until that time, the current retention policy on fingerprints and DNA remains unchanged," it says. "Individuals who consider they fall within the ruling in the S and Marper case should await the full response to the ruling by the government prior to seeking advice and/or action from the police service in order to address their personal issue on the matter.

"Acpo strongly advise that decisions to remove records should not be based on [the government's] proposed changes. It is therefore vitally important that any applications for removals of records should be considered against current legislation."
Nice isn't it, every criminal and asylum seeker seems to have their human rights protected but not innocent Brits.

The trouble is that the concept of freedom in the UK has been eroded so much by this most vile Labour government and their increasingly politicised police force that the freedom of the citizen is illusory. As I have said before, this Labour government and their putative masters in the EU want control and what better way to control us than to have our most basic details "on file" to do with as they will. Do you seriously believe that this government or its agents would not plant DNA of people they want to be "put away" so as to be able to to rid themselves of troublesome priests and bloggers. As George Orwell wrote in 1984, a book that this Labour government seem to have taken as a template rather than a warning,
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever."
Let's face facts that boot will be stamping on our collective faces until we somehow show some gumption and force change.

And to all those useful idiots who whine "if you've got nothing to hide then you've got nothing to fear", I remind you of Pastor Martin Niemöller's words:
"First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me."
They will come for us all eventually, so it is time to stand up now.

1 comment:

  1. Who the hell are ACPO to tell policemen to ignore a court ruling?

    ACPO is a private company limited by guarantee, funded by a Home Office grant and contributions from each of the 44 UK police authorities.

    It is not an arm of government, but a cushy little arrangement whereby senior policemen secure sinecures funded by sales of information from the Police National Computer at a 10000% markup.


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