
Friday 21 August 2009

Peter Mandelson has an operation for a "benign condition of the prostate",

The BBC report that:
"Lord Mandelson has been admitted to hospital to have an operation for a "benign condition of the prostate", a government spokesman has said."
It is an article that deserves a "fisking".

"The business secretary, 55, is in St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, west London, and it is expected he will remain in overnight."
Is he in a private room or on a NHS ward or a private room of an NHS ward. If he is not "going private" and he is not on a general ward, how was the accommodation decision arrived at?

"Lord Mandelson returned to the British government last year after serving as European Union trade commissioner.

He is known as the "comeback king" of British politics and was appointed to one of the most powerful jobs in Europe after being sacked twice from the cabinet."
I think Peter Mandelson has more common nicknames than the "comeback king" but I'll not dwell on that. More pertinently, why was Peter Mandelson "sacked twice"? No mention on the BBC is ever made about Jonathan Aitken, Lord Archer etc. without mentioning exactly why they had to leave government in disgrace, why is Peter Mandelson not treated in the same way?

Does it seem odd that just as Mohamed al-Megrahi is released on "compassionate grounds" and only days after Peter Mandelson met Colonel Gadaffi's son in Corfu, Peter Mandelson has to go into hospital where he will be unfortunately unable to be asked any probing questions about his role (if any) in the affair?

On the subject of Peter Mandelson's operation; I am surely not the first person to remark that it may be the first time in history that a benign condition has been excised from a malignant person.

Also is Peter Mandelson being treated under the NHS or privately? Is he in a private room or a general ward at St Mary's? If he is being treated on the NHS but in a private room, what were the medical reasons behind this decision? If he is being treated on the NHS, why is he using up an NHS bed when he has the money to be treated privately and so free up an NHS bed for someone unable to pay privately?

1 comment:

  1. If it's benign then they should leave it and excise the rest of him, the malign bit.


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