
Tuesday 20 October 2009

Here come the authoritarian "greens"

There is an Early Day Motion (number 2057) that says (my emphasis):
"That this House recognises that there is a climate emergency and that the catastrophic destabilisation of global climate represents the greatest threat that humanity faces; further recognises that the world is already above the safe level of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration for a stable planet; further recognises the need to reduce this level to 350 particles per million or below; believes it is impossible to predict how close the world is to dangerous tipping points and that action to reduce emissions now is worth considerably more than doing the same later; further believes that immediate action is required to enact a program of emergency measures with substantial emissions reductions in the short term of the order of 10 per cent. by the end of 2010; further believes that the majority of money spent on reviving the economy should be on green measures and that at least two hours of prime time television per week should be used to explain the gravity of the crisis to the public; further believes that unabated coal and domestic flights should be phased out by the end of 2010, that a speed limit of 55 miles per hour should be introduced and investment made in energy efficiency and renewable energy, public transport and the retro-fitting of efficient insulation to existing housing stock technologies leading to the creation of a million green jobs by the end of 2010; and further believes that the introduction of such measures would send a positive signal to other countries leading up to the UN climate change summit in Copenhagen and beyond."

So who are the economic geniuses who believe that one million green jobs could be created? Have they any workings to get to this figure or are they just parroting what they have heard elsewhere? Who are the MPs who think that "at least two hours of prime time television per week should be used to explain the gravity of the crisis to the public"? I wonder if they think that viewing these two hours a week should be made compulsory?

Here are the EDM signatories with my comments about them:
Challen, Colin - Labour nitwit whose last EDM signature "congratulates all those refuse workers, members of the GMB and Unison, at Leeds City Council who have been solidly on strike since 7th September"

Bottomley, Peter - Sopping wet Conservative MP and serail EDM signatory

Hepburn, Stephen - Labour MP and a serial EDM signatory, maybe he feels has nothing else to do being as he has such a safe North East seat

Austin, John - Another Labour MP and serial EDM signatory including to protesting against anti-Israeli settlements

Pound, Stephen - Another Labour MP and serial EDM signatory who finds the time to suck up to Richard Branson, express "outrage at Israel's overwhelmingly disproportionate use of force in Gaza" and "welcomes the United Nations' mandated report led by eminent judge Richard Goldstone, which details transgressions by both the Israeli military and Palestinian groups during fighting from December 2008 to January 2009 in Gaza; notes that the report concludes that Israel's actions amounted to war crimes and possibly crimes against humanity due to disproportionate use of force that involved the deliberate targeting of civilian infrastructure and the use of illegal weapons and human shields as part of an intentional policy directed at the people of Gaza as a whole" - Oh how I look forward to this ignorant fool being kicked out by the electors of Ealing North next year.

Hoyle, Lindsay - Yet another Labour MP and serial EDM signatory

Holmes, Paul - Yet another serial Labour MP and EDM signatory

McDonnell, John - Another Labour MP happy to sign up to condemning "the continued illegal blockade of Palestinian Gaza territory by Israel; notes that the blockade causes immense pain and suffering to Palestinians in Gaza; is further concerned that medical and food supplies are not allowed into Gaza by the Israeli forces; further notes that the Israeli military forcibly boarded an aid ship while in international waters, in violation of numerous international laws; praises the work of the Free Gaza Movement ships Dignity and the Spirit of Humanity, which bring in much needed humanitarian assistance; and asks that the Government use all available diplomatic channels to end the blockade."

Clapham, Michael - Another Labour MP and serial EDM signatory, this one found time in his busy schedule to "warmly welcomes the award of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama"

Cryer, Ann - Another Labour MP and serial EDM signatory and of course one of the great House of Commons "troughers" of this parliament

Drew, David - Another Labour MP and serial EDM signatory, this one still thinks like a worried sixth-former and "calls on the Government officially to endorse the proposal for the adoption by governments of voluntary National Declarations of Commitment to Eradication of Hunger and Malnutrition by 2025"

Gerrard, Neil - This Labour MP one seems to hope to get some BBC work with his "notes that the BBC is recognised as setting a quality standard for broadcasting throughout the UK"

Hancock, Mike - Lib Dem and another serial EDM signatory

Stunell, Andrew - Another Labour MP who believes he knows what is happening in Gaza and is so wrong

I wonder how many more MPs will sign this EDM and why so many MPs sign so many EDMs to so little effect?


  1. Bloody idiots. This climate change hysteria has gone too far.

    The talk of "green jobs" has always bemused me. I may be think (I think I'm not, BTW) but I can't conceive of how any significant number of "green jobs" can be created. When you think of the number of jobs that need to be created, it's really scary. Where will they come from?

  2. *bangs head against brick wall*


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