
Monday 19 October 2009

Labour's friends in the EU

Tory Bear tells the truth about Labour's friends in the EU but somehow I don't think this will divert the Labour party or their friends in the BBC from attacking the "nasty party".

"TB is getting sick to the back teeth of Labour, and their stooges, attempting to create scandal around who the tories sit with in the European Parliament. The audacity that they have in these attacks can quickly be exposed with Google and rather appropriately given today’s attempt at journalism from the Observer – Wikipedia.

The Labour Party sit with the European Socialists grouping (PES), a bunch of nuts lefties that make Blair and Brown look slightly to the left of Hannan. Labour can try have a half-hearted smear attempt at the tory groupings, but it is a national embarrassment that the governing party of the day consort with communists, terrorists, murderers, anti-semites and 9/11 deniers.

Oh you didn’t know this? Well it’s not like it’s reported by the main stream media. Dan Hamilton wrote a great piece a few months ago and TB would like to share some of what he exposed. Lets just have a quick peek at a couple of Labour’s friends in Europe shall we...

First up we have former Italian Communist Party officer holder and Josef Fritzel look alike Giulietto Chiesa. A member of the Communist Party until 1991 Chiesa has since made a name for himself not only blaming Russia’s invasion of Georgia on European countries but more significantly as an extremely vocal 9/11 denier. His documentary Zero, as well as various essays and TV appearances have suggested that the US government was behind the planning and execution of the attacks. This lunatic is now the official European spokesman for the 9/11 Truth Movement.

Who else are close allies of the Labour Party in Europe?

How about Proinsias De Rossa, ever heard of him? Well he is a murdering terrorist who is linked to the killing of six British Policemen. This former IRA man originally joined the Communist and Allies group before transferring to the PES and taking an active role in the drafting of the European Constitution. What do you expect from a Labour Party who didn’t bat and eyelid when their guest Martin McGuinness was allowed to stroll around the Grand Hotel in Brighton almost 25 years to the day the IRA had murdered so many there.

So many loons to choose from, but TB’s absolute favourite scumbag has to be Andrzej Zbigniew Lepper the leader of the Polish Self-Defence of the Republic Party, who Labour sit hand in hand with in Europe.Where to start with their leader and the sleaze, the criminal activities and the general insanity of the man. Another former communist, he has done time for assault and even demanded sexual favours for jobs in his office. Famed for throwing hecklers onto piles of manure according to the BBC, the "chorus of his party song is: This land is your land, this land is my land, we won't let anyone punch us in the face.”

Perhaps most worrying is Lepper’s honorary degrees from the anti-Semitic Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. To give you an idea where these guys are coming from, their honorary professor is the white supremest David Duke.

So next time you hear some Labour tool having a go at tory allies, tell them to go take a long hard look in the mirror and then behind their own shoulders.

The hypocrisy is sickening."

Why should Labour pull this line of attack? It's not as though the BBC or the rest of the MSM are interested in Labour's bedfellows in the EU. The story is, and always will be, about the nasty Tories and their nasty friends. Don't fall into the trap of thinking the most of the UK media is anything other than institutionally biased against the Conservative party.

1 comment:

  1. Exactly Not a Sheep.

    To bolster Tory Bear's point I've left this comment on his blog:

    "Good post TB.

    Another question for the Labour Party is why they continue to sit alongside the Slovak Social Democrats (SMER), who share power with the far-right Slovak National Party of Jan Slota - an anti-Hungarian, anti-Roma, anti-gay party, led by a man who unashamedly admires Jozef Tiso, the wartime ruler of fascist Slovakia.

    If a Conservative ally were to form a coalition government with such a party, all hell would break loose - and rightly so. Why the silence here? Labour should surely be pressing for SMER to be suspended from the Socialist group until it pulls out of this unholy alliance and the media should be pressing them on the issue.

    Then there's Radu Mazare of Romania's Social Democratic Party (another Labour ally) who dressed up as a Nazi at a fashion show, and was strongly criticised for it by Jewish groups. Had a member of one of the parties in David Cameron's new grouping behaved like this there would have been a feeding frenzy from Labour and its media friends.

    Then there are Labour's Bulgarian allies, the Socialist Party, whose leader (Sergei Stanishev) denounced Bulgaria's first gay pride march, saying that he did not approve of "the manifestations and demonstrations of such orientations". Michel Kaminski was criticised for being homophobic, what about Mr Stanishev?"


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