
Monday 12 October 2009

Some scientific musings on Man Made Global Warming

This is Derbyshire reports that:
"...after years of research, Derby historian Ron McKeown claims that global warming is not our fault.

"I'm not expecting my ideas to be very popular," said Ron. "I am just voicing the conclusions that my research has naturally led me to."


But Ron does say his studies imply that man's impact on global warming is fairly minimal in relation to other environmental influences, over which mankind has very little control.

His findings can be read in his booklet, The Man-Made Global Warming Debate and Historical Contradictions.

It follows on from his publication, The Rivers of Time, in which he investigated the role played by the Derwent and Trent rivers in the development of the region.

Ron collected his evidence by examining local maps, documents and artefacts recovered from archeological digs in the area, many dating back to Roman, Anglo-Saxon and Viking times. According to his data, there have been huge changes in the local landscape with water levels rising and falling significantly over the years.

Ron is particularly interested in evidence which suggests that large areas of Derby and its surrounding areas were once covered with water.

Ron believes Derby was originally created on land around Markeaton Brook which was more like a river than a brook at the time.

"My findings have led me to suggest that our climate has always fluctuated and that the earth has had periods when its climate was much warmer overall.

"So global warming, melting ice caps and higher sea levels may not be just a modern phenomenon," he said.

Ron speculates that there could be several factors which contributed to Derby's watery past but he is convinced that, at times, the world's temperatures were much warmer than today.

"In the past, Britain was described as the bread basket of Europe with two harvests a year.

"This implies a much warmer climate.

"It is possible that we are just emerging from a little ice age, which has misled scientists into believing that the earth should be 'naturally' cooler than it is at present.

"Temperatures will always fluctuate as a result of many environmental factors of which man is just one.

"I would go as far as to suggest that man's activity throughout the 19th and 20th century, coupled with relatively frequent volcanic activity has actually been keeping the planet uncommonly cool."

He goes on to explain his belief that layers of dust and pollution over many years may actually have insulated the earth from the heat of the sun's rays.

Ron's booklet on the evidence for his theories and on Derby's landscape though the ages can purchased from Darley Park Tea Rooms or by contacting Ron at


BY: Ron McKeown.

PUBLISHER: Tranters, Markeaton Printing Works.

PRICE: £3.50."
Very interesting indeed.

Thanks to Greenie Watch for the spot.

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