
Sunday 25 October 2009

Sunday catchup

So much news, so little time.

1. The BBC report that
"£6m government ad warning about climate change is to be investigated by watchdogs over claims it is misleading and too "scary" for children.

The Advertising Standards Authority has received 357 complaints about the Department of Energy and Climate Change's "bedtime stories" ad.

The ad aims to make adults feel guilty about the impact their carbon emissions are having on their children's future. "
it would seem that many people agree with me when I mused "The scientific community agrees – climate change is happening and human activity is almost certainly the cause."Really, all the scientific community, really, are you sure? "

2. The BBC reprt with an admirable straight face that
"Gordon Brown has promised the economy will return to growth by the turn of the year, in his first reaction to news that the UK is still in recession.

His podcast was released on the Number 10 website a day after official figures showed the economy was still shrinking."
Cynical Mrs NotaSheep wonders if this means that our increasingly apparently deluded Prime Minister has found a way to fiddle the figures...

3. London Muslims have an interesting turn of phrase in their piece entitled "Blair makes millions from war contracts through Arab Tyrants" (my emphasis):
"The War criminal Tony Blair fresh from sending British troops to their death in Iraq & Afghanistan is now cashing in on war contracts with the usual array of cowardly disco Arabs.

Not content with prostituting our country's interests for Israels and being paid handsomely, he now with his partner in crime Jonathan Powell tours the Middle East searching out ignorant Arab tyrants which isn't that difficult.

Having spent some time with UAE royalty who must have thought Blair was asking them to put a wager on the Grand National, TB hot foots it across the desert to those brave warriors in Kuwait. Remember, these were the ones who the moment they smelt Saddam Hussein's gun powder shit themselves and did a runner for the nearest departure lounge."
Interesting POV article and I site I shall visit more regularly now to see what other gems I can find.

4. Sky News are reporting the news that I and others posted about yesterday that former Labour speechwriter Mr Teather claims that "Labour ministers deliberately encouraged mass immigration to diversify Britain over the past decade". Interestingly this story has yet to be reported by the BBC.

5. THe Telegraph and others report that "Detectives have relaunched the investigation into the Lockerbie bombing and are pursuing "several" new lines of inquiry including a fresh analysis of forensic evidence". My advice to them would be to look towards Syria.

6. Britten-Norman BN2 Islander and nine passengers survive a crash landing in the Caribbean, although the pilot died. I suppose this is relieving news to Mrs NotaSheep and myself who are semi-regular passengers in just such a plane.

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