
Monday 16 November 2009

Always the Jews

Tonight Peter Oborne presents a Channel 4 Dispatches programme entitled "Inside Britain's Israel Lobby". The Channel 4 blurb for this 'televisual feast' runs thus:
"Dispatches investigates one of the most powerful and influential political lobbies in Britain, which is working in support of the interests of the State of Israel.

Despite wielding great influence among the highest realms of British politics and media, little is known about the individuals and groups which collectively are known as the pro-Israel lobby.

Political commentator Peter Oborne sets out to establish who they are, how they are funded, how they work and what influence they have, from the key groups to the wealthy individuals who help bankroll the lobbying.

He investigates how accountable, transparent and open to scrutiny the lobby is, particularly in regard to its funding and financial support of MPs.

The pro-Israel lobby aims to shape the debate about Britain's relationship with Israel and future foreign policies relating to it.

Oborne examines how the lobby operates from within parliament and the tactics it employs behind the scenes when engaging with print and broadcast media."
Somehow I think that the Arab/Muslim lobby, certainly in Washington, has better funding and carries a lot more weight than the Israeli lobby. And it should be noted that whilst Israel is an ally of the West, upholding western values and democracy, it finds itself surrounded by Muslim states most of whom are either overt or covert sponsors of terror.

My views it seems are somewhat at odds with most of the commentators on the Dispatches page linked to above, who seem even more removed from reality than I would have expected. Here are a few clips of their considered views:
" YAEL KAHN on 07 November 2009 at 11:30
I hope the programme would expose how lobbyists for Israel trample over the UK democratic process. I expect Oborne to expose the destructive role of the Labour Friends of Israel in British politics, but I hope he won't stop there.

VERONICA PLANTON on 07 November 2009 at 23:18
Congratulations to Channel 4 and Dispatches on breaking the silence over the Zionist Lobby! Israel is a serial violator of the UN Charter and International Law. Ongoing breaches of the Hague Convention on War, Geneva Convention and International Humanitarian Law, along with non-compliance with 138 UN Security Council resolutions calling on Israel to comply with the basic principles of International Law, have turned Israel into a 'rogue state'. The State of Israel's military might is ranked 4th globally. The Israeli military Dahiya doctrine applied in Gaza involved the deliberate commission of crimes against humanity. It carried out a massacre against an unarmed population, 60% of which are children. It has maintained an illegal siege on Gaza in the face of international condemnation...I could go on and on, but I will resist the temptation for now. The terrorizing and killing of innocent civilians is defined as terrorism, perpetrated by terrorists. Mr White, I would be interested in your definition of 'democratic process'. The Zionist Lobby counts many British politicians in its ranks where they function as a fifth column in support of Israel's illegal actions. The powerful impact of the Zionist Lobby on British politics is more damaging to our country than that of the ghastly BNP.

NOISY TAPPET on 13 November 2009 at 16:04
Good. We want our country back. The agents of a foreign power embedded at all levels of our government and politics need flushing out. They are a menace to our foreign policy, security and reputation abroad. I hope this programme isn't 'pulled' at the last minute due to overwhelming pressure from the usual suspect. If it does what it should do, some very big names are going to be shamed, and not before time."

There are many more in the same vein but I think that a couple of more considered views deserve repeating:
" STV on 14 November 2009 at 14:03
I'm sorry, I must bring some balance to this debate. I do not believe Israel is a 'terrorist' any more than any other nation. Before the nation of Israel came back into existence in 1948 and since, Arab people have been fighting and killing one another. The Iran-Iraq war alone (among many others) killed far more Arabs than Israel ever has. Is Israel responsible for all these wars too?! There is a more complex answer to Israel "illegally occupying land", too. History is not so one-sided and there is great misinformation on the Palestinian / Arab 'side' too. If you were Israel, how would you react when surrounded by countries intent on your destruction, or even the destruction of Jewish people? Almost no Jews are allowed or able to live in most neighbouring Middle-East nations, whereas Israel is 20% Arab. Iran is more of an aggressor in that region, not Israel, with constant threats against Israel and the West. And if we're talking about 'war crimes', both Israel and Hamas (and others) are guilty of war crimes. Of course Israel has committed atrocities - every nation has done this; of course Palestinians deserve better. So let's keep this debate, if it truly is one, balanced. And no, I'm not Jewish or part of any Zionist conspiracy!

W MARTIN on 15 November 2009 at 14:57
I am neither a Zionist agent or even Jewish for that matter but I am appalled at some of the comments I have read here. If there was any doubt before there should be none now, there are bigoted forces within the UK that would like nothing better than to tar the entire Jewish community with a sinister brush. By all means let us look at the practices of all lobbying groups but let us do so with civility. Why I must ask, is that when Israel and Jews become the subject of investigation does this seem to give permission for society's bullies and bigots to crawl out from under their rocks? It is very troubling indeed.

FRAN on 15 November 2009 at 19:49
Hazel Smith writes "We need more information about the history of what has happened in Palestine." You certainly do, Ms Smith. Israel was created in response to the UN resolution which ratified the 1920 League of Nations decision to grant Jews self governance on part of their ancient homeland. Rather than welcome this, the newly created Arab states - yes Ms Smith, the Arab states were all created during this time by League of Nations mandates - decided to attack Israel as the world looked on. They gambled on driving the Jews into the sea and they lost. From thence the Middle East crisis unfolded with great suffering on both sides. That suffering included refugees - over 800,000 of whom were Jews whose forced explusion from countries around the Middle East is airbrushed out of history by the powerful and extravagently-funded anti-Israel lobby that no-one at all talks about. "

And as an aside, this invitation to the "Muslim Friends of Labour Annual Gala Dinner" may be of interest; the guest of "honour" is Gordon Brown.

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