
Sunday 22 November 2009

Climate Change Coverup News (Sunday morning update)

Still tumbleweed on the BBC who are clearly hoping that this story disappears and they can go back to pushing the pro-Man Made Climate Change agenda and associated "green taxes" and world political control agenda, as they have been doing for so long now.

In the rest of the media this story has not gained much traction, I suppose because so much of the MSM has invested so much in pushing the same flawed agenda. The Mail reports the story in a fairly straight manner under the headline
"Hackers 'expose global warming con': Sceptics claim that leaked emails reveal research centre massaged temperature data"

I can see nothing in The Times about this story in fact they keep up the pro-Man Made Climate Change agenda with a piece entitled "Climate change to lash Britain with tropical storms". Allegedly
"BRITAIN should brace itself for more tropical-style deluges of the kind that wreaked havoc on Cockermouth, according to climate experts.

They warn that, although no single event can be attributed to climate change, the warming of the atmosphere caused by greenhouse gases means such disasters will become more frequent."

The Guardian have nothing on their front page but on their Science and Environment page I found this article that restricts the headline to "Climate sceptics claim leaked emails are evidence of collusion among scientists" - "collusion" is that the worst of the claims? The Guardian are slightly torn here between supporting the agenda that they have pushed for so long and exposing a fraud. Reading the whole article is interesting as the conflict is clear as they worry about the veracity of the emails whilst pointing out the evasiveness of some of the scientists.

How about The Independent? Nothing on the front page so I looked at their Climate Change front page, and unsurprisingly for a media outlet that has its own Climate Change section... Not a word, not a mention. It would seem that nothing must be allowed to pierce the absolute certainty of Man Made Climate Change in the minds of Independent readers.

I may look at the other papers later but it looks like good marks for The Telegraph and Mail, a "could do better" to The Guardian and "nil points" to The Times, The Independent and The BBC.


  1. As long as those tropical storms are proceeded by nice, warm sunny weather, then surely that's a good thing. Wer won't have to rely on the Caribbean for bananas, pineapples and mangos anymore - we can set up plantations in the Lake District.

    See, the doom mongers never look for the positives.

  2. The guardian article bugged the hell out of me, is raged at over at mine. Couldn't believe the rent-a-quotes they used.


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