
Saturday 14 November 2009

Climate change - story 2

The Times are shocked to have to report that:
"Less than half the population believes that human activity is to blame for global warming, according to an exclusive poll for The Times.

The revelation that ministers have failed in their campaign to persuade the public that the greenhouse effect is a serious threat requiring urgent action will make uncomfortable reading for the Government as it prepares for next month’s climate change summit in Copenhagen.

Only 41 per cent accept as an established scientific fact that global warming is taking place and is largely man-made. Almost a third (32 per cent) believe that the link is not yet proved; 8 per cent say that it is environmentalist propaganda to blame man and 15 per cent say that the world is not warming."
What is fascinating is that second paragraph, apparently governments have failed to persuade us about the greenhouse effect and so must try harder. Of course it wouldn't cross the mind of the MSM that the public know when they are being taken for fools.

The piece then goes on with this scary comment:
"Ed Miliband, the Energy and Climate Change Secretary, said: “The overwhelming body of scientific information is stacked up against the deniers and shows us that climate change is man-made and is happening now. We know that we still have a way to go in informing people about climate change and that is why we make no apologies about pushing forward with our new Act on CO2 campaign.” "
"deniers" that is such a scary word as it hints at future action to stop "deniers" from being able to deny the truth of climate change. Are we being lined up for a return to the Spanish Inquisition? Where denial of the given truth is just not allowed. Of course Ed Miliband makes no apologies, he's a Labour minister and they don't need to apologise for anything. I presume that the junior, but slimier, Miliband is positioning himself for a role in some supranational eco-body post the general election; whatever happens the earning power of these power crazed loons must not be affected.


  1. The problem now is that there are so many people employed in the "Climate Change" Industry, all of whom have a vested interest in keeping their jobs (including Ed Miliband!).

    So long as they can keep the lie going they are safe. And the government avoids having to re-designate all those "green taxes" as something else, as well as loosing an major excuse for extra taxation.
    Whether man-made climate change exists or not, is now totally irrelevant.

  2. Yeah - look at the comments about this story on Iain Dales's blog. There are adherents to the religion spouting "truth" and intolerence there.

    The money interests make me a "denier" more powerfully than the science.

  3. Let's assume for the sake of argument that this poll is representative of what the public believes.

    So what?

    All it demonstrates the a large percentage of the public are ignorant and scientifically illiterate. That was known already.

    There is no credible scientific doubt about global warming. Every national science academy on the planet confirms it. Virtually 100% of published climate scientists confirm it.

    Only the ignorant and wingnuts deny the reality.

  4. Anon 00:39: Stop spouting the propaganda rubbish that you have been fed, look at the facts and you will see that you are wrong, so wrong. I recommend reading Some Ian Pilmer, some Steve McIntyre and some Christopher Booker.

  5. Never ever forget that the theory of man-made global warming is just an excuse to tax you more, and they have already started.

  6. Perhaps someone could tell the odious Baroness Amos. She seems to be surprised that the "science" is being questioned here in Australia, and claims rather brazenly that back in England it's all settled.

    Just the sort of nonsense I left England for, and now Labour's exporting it here too.

  7. Sorry to disillusion all the non-scientific politicians, but the laws of thermodynamics, entropy, black-body radiation and the Stefan-Boltzmann law (4th power relationship between temperature and energy emission) are "stacked up" against the idea of an accumulation of heat. The burden of proof is on the proponents of global heating and I don't think they are going o deliver the goods.

  8. Here are some clips on "climate change:"


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