
Wednesday 24 February 2010

The Corus steel plant closure and a 'global warming' scam

I have blogged about the scandal that is the closure of the Corus steelworks in Redcar before and how it is not a global economic downturn story but a result of global warming policy story. James Delingpole in The Telegraph does the story full justice as he first records the letter written by UKIP's Nigel Farage after he was dropped from the BBC Question Time panel for the Middlesborough visit:

Corus’ steelworks at Redcar, near Middlesbrough, “Teesside Cast Products”, is to be closed (”mothballed” is the euphemism). It is Britain’s last great steelworks and an essential national resource. Without it, we are at the world’s mercy.

Corus is owned by Tata Steel of India. Recently, Tata received “EU-carbon-credits” worth up to £1bn, ostensibly so that steel-production at Redcar would not be crippled by the EU’s “carbon-emissions-trading-scheme”. By closing the plant at Redcar – and not making any “carbon-emissions” – Tata walks off with £1bn of taxpayers’ money, which it will invest in its steel-factories in India, where there is no “carbon-emissions-trading-scheme”.

There’s more. The EU’s “emissions-trading-scheme” (ETS) is modelled on instructions from the “International Panel on Climate-Change” (IPCC) of the United Nations Organisation. The Chairman of the IPCC is one Dr Rajendra K.Pachauri, a former railway-engineer, who obtained this post by virtue of his being Chairman of the “Tata Energy-Research Institute” – set up by Tata Steel.

UKIP’s leader in the EU’s “parliament”, Nigel Farage, revealed these data in a speech at Strasbourg, on 10th February, and was due to appear in the BBC’s “Question-Time” programme, from Middlesbrough, on 18th February, where the closure of the Redcar-plant was inevitably discussed. Almost at the last minute, his invitation to join the “Question-Time” panel was cancelled, without explanation."

James Delingpole also quotes Christopher Booker's expose of the Labour government's latest dealings on CO2 trading:
"Thus we pay billions of dollars to the Asian countries for the right to continue emitting CO2 and other greenhouse gases here in the West, including the £60 million contributed by British taxpayers to keep our civil servants warm. As a result we enrich a small number of people in China and India, including Maurice Strong, who now lives in exile in Beijing, having been caught out in 2005 for illicitly receiving $1 million from Saddam Hussein in the “Oil for Food” scandal. He played a key part in setting up China’s carbon exchange, to buy and sell the CDM credits administered by the UNFCCC – of which Strong himself was the chief architect.

The net result of all this trading and jiggery-pokery is that, after billions of pounds and dollars have changed hands, with a hefty commission for those bankers and other carbon traders along the way, there is no reduction in greenhouse gas emissions whatever. But at least our political class can continue to work in warm offices and fly righteously round the world on our behalf – while the rest of us foot the bill."

James Delingpole is angry, I am angry but is there anything that we can do? I am not sure there is, David Cameron seems to have swallowed the 'warmist' agenda, hook line and sinker, so I see no hope there. UKIP seem to be more realistic but they could not win more than a couple of seats and voting UKIP may allow Labour another go at wrecking the UK. What to do? What to do?


  1. As there seems very little between Labour and the Tories, I will be voting for UKIP. My hope is for a hung parliament with UKIP getting lots of votes (but not necessarily any seats) which might, just possibly, make the Tories realize where all their votes have gone.

  2. The Corus situation is deplorable. Richard at EU Referendum highlighted this 'carbon footprint scam' some time ago and I looked into it further.

    You've summarised it perfectly because that's what is happening.

    Fortunately here in Scotland we do have an alternative, but not a perfect one by any means. The SNP also want strong ties with the EU and I'm very much against this.

    The politicians, if they listened to the people, should realise this climate business has been found to be unsafe (to be polite). If the tories decided to take the stance that it is still not proven then I'm sure they'd win with a massive majority.

    Of course they won't because money is at the heart of it all. We no longer have politicians of integrity, we have those whose main aim in life is personal gain.

  3. This stinks to high heaven.
    I wonder if the bullying story is a smokescreen to keep this rising up the news agenda?

    It's got Mandelson written all over it.


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