
Tuesday 23 February 2010

Gordon Brown's temper tantrums as envisaged by Taiwanese television

Gordon Brown in CGI looks a lot slimmer and less sulky than he does in real life.

I have said before that the way to destroy Gordon Brown is make him a figure of fun. Just as Alastair Campbell invented the John Major tucks his shirt into his underpants story, so Conservative Central Office need to have a team dedicated to turning Gordon Brown into a laughing stock. In fact this could be even more effective against Brown than against most politicians as whilst most politicians have a sense of humour about their failing, I dont't believe Gordon Brown has.

Thanks to Dizzy Thinks for the spot.


  1. CCHQ's sense of humour is far too ponderous to be effective... and in any case, the blogosphere are doing a pretty good job of making Gordo a laughing stock.

    Cameron too.

    Can't take sides...

  2. If only Conservative Central Office had the killer instinct that Labour has (as seen in their destruction of a mere mortal called Christine Pratt)! Labour is the true Nasty Party. The Conservatives are weak in comparison (which makes them much better human beings). If they try something like this they'll probably botch it but if they don't try something like this Labour will walk all over them (as they walked over Mrs Pratt) and may even win the election - as you predicted at New Year.

    With a compliant state broadcaster behind them, crying foul whenever the Tories try even the mildest bit of negative campaigning, but keeping quiet (or offering active support) whenever Labour go negative (which is almost all the time), it's going to be a struggle for the Conservatives either way.

    What a state our politics is in!!


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