
Sunday 28 March 2010

Gordon Brown 'lies' again and the BBC don't consider it a big story because they are not an unbiased news organisation but cheerleaders for Labour

I am truly fed-up with the crap that spews from the mouth of Gordon Brown and the way that the BBC protect him from the righteous wrath of the people. The BBC headline their news page with 'PM unveils key election pledges' and the news that 'Gordon Brown pledges to fix the economy and make government more accountable - as the Tories urge him to call the election.' Meanwhile hidden in the politics news section but not mentioned on the front page of that section is the news that (my emphasis)
:'The Conservatives have accused Gordon Brown of "dishonesty" over immigration figures used in a Number 10 podcast.

Mr Brown said net migration into the UK fell from 237,000 in 2007 to 163,000 in 2008 and provisionally 147,000 in 2009.

The Tories said the figure for 2009 was only for the year up to June, and excluded asylum seekers and people overstaying their original visas.

A Downing Street spokesman said the prime minister had made it clear he was using a provisional figure for 2009.

The Conservatives' interpretation of the figures has been confirmed by the Office for National Statistics.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling called it "another extraordinary example of Gordon Brown's dishonesty".'

Hold on, 'The Conservatives' interpretation of the figures has been confirmed by the Office for National Statistics.
; the independent Office for National Statistics confirm the Conservatives line and thus disagree with Gordon Brown's claims. This surely is worthy of a headline and indeed it would be anywhere but on the pro-Labour BBC.

Take a look at The Telegraph for some more relevant information.

So once again the BBC hide the news of another Gordon Brown 'brownie', and the confirmation of his lack of veracity by the Office for National Statistics, preferring to concentrate on more meaningless promises from the man who has screwed the UK economy, destroyed the prospects of a generation or more and who has made more serious economic errors than most politicians.

This sort of BBC bias makes me so angry and it pisses me off that so many people are so brainwashed by years and years of Labour lies, spin & attacks on any opposition all so cheerfully spread by the BBC propaganda wing that nearly 30% of the UK population intend to vote for a political party headed by this dangerous fool.

If, as I believe will be the case, Gordon Brown does lead the Labour party to victory at the coming general election then I and Mrs NotaSheep will not remain to be milked dry to pay for the idiocy of Gordon Brown.

Thanks to Biased BBC for the spot but not for raising my my blood pressure.

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