
Thursday 11 March 2010

How do you solve a problem like Gordon?

In December 2007 I posted an article about Gordon Brown's somewhat distant relationship with the truth and I linked to a Fraser Nelson article on Gordon Brown and party funding. First here's a piece of Fraser Nelson:
"Gordon Brown is an accomplished expert in the art of misrepresentation


this is how Brown operates – and it’s a skill. Perhaps his biggest one. Natural as breathing, he slips out claims so outrageous that even Blair would choke on them, and he is often believed. He did this all the way through the last election campaign (with his fake claims of 'Tory cuts'), and we can expect him to keep doing so if he makes it to the next election."

Next here are a couple of comments posted to Fraser Nelson's article (my emphasis):
"Jo - Exactly so. However, it is the Opposition's job to ensure that Brown is not allowed to get away with these statements. One should be able to rely on the media to point out these misrepresentations but with a few honourable exceptions this is unlikely to happen. Brown will continue to say that black is white and vice versa (read Tom Bower's biography of GB for chapter and verse) for as long as he is allowed to. Landing a few good punches at PMQ is not enough: the Tories need to deconstruct the GB myths at every opportunity."

"Mike - The Conservatives need to get their "rapid rebuttal" service up and running asap to counter Browns blatant lies. Plus they need to show him up to be the spinner and liar he is"

"TGF UKIP - Brown gets away with it because the Tories allow him to. At a similar stage Blair, Brown Campbell & Mandelson were ferociously dismembering John Major. It was bareknuckle, eye gouging, below the belt stuff - and it worked, boy did it work! No use you Tories huffing and puffing in The Speccie or the The Telegraph (now promoters of Brown anyway) about his skill in "the art of misrepresentation" that simply by-passes at least 90% of the population. It,s time to do a "Gordon" back and get down and get dirty. Cameron, or someone very senior (my man DD would have just the right touch) needs to go on the BBC, ideally on Marr, and use the "L" word and when Marr responds "Are you really calling our PM a liar" the answer should come "Andrew, we're not just fed up with Browns lies and misrepresentations we're even more fed up with parts of the media and particularly the BBC not challenging him over what they know to be falsehoods." When Marr coughs and splutters Dave or DD should simply produce an impressive looking file and start on the examples. They won't do it of course because Dave, Boy George, Hilton and Coulson aren't Blair, Brown, Mandelson and Campbell."

So which Conservatives feel up to the job of taking the battle to Gordon Brown and his supporters at the BBC? Because unless someone starts soon, then Gordon Brown will still be sitting in Number 10 in June and how sick will that make you feel?

1 comment:

  1. TGF UKIP's suggestion is a particularly good one. Surely someone in the Conservative Party could be encouraged to do this?


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