
Monday 22 March 2010

Steven Moffat just as left-wing as you'd ecpect

Dr Who leaves me conflicted; I am a long time fan and think that the David Tennant Doctor is up there with Pertwee and Tom Baker as the best Doctor's BUT I despise the right-on plot lines that have infiltrated Dr Who in recent years under Russell T Davies direction. I always thought that Steven Moffat wrote some of the best episodes and so was pleased at him replacing RTD as head honcho of the Dr Who series. 'Blink' was a msterpiece and the lesser loved 'Madame de Pompadour' I thought was just clever enough to get you thinking. However this Guardian interview shows Steven Moffat to be just as 'right on' as RTD; I just hope he does a better job of keeping his political and social views out of the new series, RTD was too fond of thrusting homosexuality down the viewers' throats.

The Guardian interview includes such classic lines as:
'If I'm not mistaken, Steven Moffat suddenly shudders. But the new Doctor Who showrunner... isn't chilled by the thought of malevolent monsters, unappealing aliens or sinister villains soon to appear in the Whoniverse. Rather, he winces at the prospect of a Conservative government – and specifically the influence that Rupert and James Murdoch may exert over it, its media policy and its attitude to the BBC.

"I hope the Tories don't win. Let's not beat around the bush,"'

'The burden Moffat bears...something of which he's very conscious."To me, a 'brand' sounds evil," he says, "reminiscent of men in tall hats running factories and beating small children'

Why do so many, otherwise intelligent, people on the left of British politics see life in such a strange way?

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