
Sunday 28 March 2010

'What do you think of Labour's election pledges?' The BBC might regret asking this question

The BBC 'Have Your Say' section was recently 'improved' to get rid of the 'most recommended' feature, many assumed because the most recommended comments were usually those most opposed to the BBC's house point of view. Today's Have Your Say on Labour's election pledges does not seem to be going the way the BBC might have hoped. Here are the first 10 comments:
'# . At 10:22am on 27 Mar 2010, The Uncivil Servant wrote:

A joke? Five vague statements.

We pleadge that 1. the day will begin at dawn, 2. rain will be wet, as will 3. the sea, 4. those bits of the plannet that are not wet will be dry and 5. the moon's made of green cheese. All as measurable as Gordon's effort.

# 2. At 10:32am on 27 Mar 2010, D Johnson wrote:

This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the House Rules.
# 3. At 10:35am on 27 Mar 2010, grainsofsand wrote:

Based on Labour’s past performance – can I suggest that the following would probably be more appropriate for Labours election pledges:

To wreck the economy
To Lower living standards
To Let foreigners take control of our industry
To Let millions more immigrants into the country
To totally destroy the country as we know it

# 4. At 10:36am on 27 Mar 2010, Tim wrote:

You must be kidding this mans track record on promises speaks for itself.
Remember the referendum that never was? and all the porkys he has been caught out on recently. Not to mention the 10p tax disaster and the promise to make ammends that never happened. Just a few more weeks of lies and spin and hopefully a hung paliament. Cant wait to see all the red face polititians.

# 5. At 10:36am on 27 Mar 2010, Peter_Wilkinson wrote:

The only thing our political representatives inspire me to do is emmigrate!

# 6. At 10:37am on 27 Mar 2010, BDZ wrote:

Sorry, they've had 13 years to fulfil their promises. We don't believe them.
Nor incidentally do we believe any of the others.
The problem is that no matter what the result of the next election we'll still be ruled by politicians!

# 7. At 10:38am on 27 Mar 2010, just_common_sense wrote:


If Gordon Brown wanted to secure the economy, why did he split the responsibility for financial regulation, letting the banking system get to the verge of collapse?

If by 'control' he means more petty rules, ID cards etc, yeah we all want that!!!

# 8. At 10:39am on 27 Mar 2010, steve butler wrote:

I think I am going to throw up.

The sad thing is, there are enough gullible idiots in this country who are dumb enough to fall for this claptrap.

# 9. At 10:40am on 27 Mar 2010, Anthony WALKER wrote:

If I believed anything Nu Labour promised at any time, I would have to be one of the most gullible person on earth! When I look at the hash that Nu Labour has made of just about everything - especially the economy - It almost drives me to despair! I want a fair, just, truthful, and happy Country for my Children and Grand Children. I know that I will never get it under Nu Labour or, especially, Mr Brown.

Neither Mr Brown, or any of Nu Labour, or Nu Labour inspire me to do anything other than leave the UK if they get another five years!

# 10. At 10:41am on 27 Mar 2010, Wreck-O-Mend wrote:

In 1997 New Labour promised a fair deal for all and the chance to make the most of one’s potential.

As a single childless male I have never had a fair deal with New Labour and all those who have already had plenty of spoon-feeding continue to qualify for more help yet workers who are living way below these standards who don’t rely on state handouts or special privileges are ignored and treated as second class.

Why take from the starving to give to the greedy?

New Labour has created a more unfair society and only the cheats will argue that it is fairer now.'
Not until comment 31 is there any comment favourable to Gordon Brown and his party and that from a Mr Whinger!

No doubt the BBC will deduce from this lack of belief in Labour's pledges that they must redouble their efforts to explain why we must vote Labour.

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