
Monday 31 May 2010

Israel, Gaza, proportionality and the BBC

I was going to have a day off blogging today but Israel and the BBC, not a natural alliance, have stopped that. The 'aid to Gaza convoy' was a subject that I had not covered much on this blog as I considered them a deliberate provocation and yet another propaganda trick by supporters of Hamas terrorism. Of course the BBC Saw the convoy differently and portrayed them as brave fighters against Israeli totalitarianism. The BBC reporting of the news that Israeli commandos stormed the convoy of aid ships is written as though the BBC can hardly believe their luck; 10 people killed by wicked Israelis. The article does give the Israeli side of the story but it is clear who the BBC believe. You can read articles from an Israeli perspective at Israelly Cool and I suggest that you do, especially this piece that has information that the BBC will never report.

Israel is in a no-win situation as if they had let the aid convoy in the world media would have been full of stories about poor starving Palestinians, even though they are not or should not, whilst if they stopped the convoy there was always likely to be trouble as the convoy was designed to provoke a response.

As Isreally Cool reported a few days ago, the convoy's spokespeople were claiming that: "The people of Gaza are in an actual concentration camp. They can’t come in or go out despite having the same rights we all have…We will also be placed in a concentration camp, unfortunately, if we are detained." Take a look at earlier posts of mine to see how the Gaza concentration camp is in reality, somewhat different from Aushwitz.

Now back to my no blogging policy for the day...

1 comment:

  1. Gaza may not be Auschwitz, but it is hardly the same as leafy suburbia either.

    I am not pointing the finger of blame on either side, but after 60 years of the state of Israel, the rest of the world should be starting to lose patience with both sides.


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