
Saturday 22 May 2010

Who would make the best Labour leader?

Ed Balls was the favourite choice as Labour leader for many Conservatives and others on the right side of the political spectrum. Ed Balls' unique combination of unpleasant personal and political characteristics made him a thoroughly (un)appealing choice. Many bloggers including Mr Eugenides decided that they were 'backing Balls' and Mr Eugenides gave some convincing reasons such as:
'Only one man has the drive and determination needed to plough the Labour Party firmly into the ground.

Only one man has the unique set of qualities required to keep up the Labour tradition of having the most hated party leader in the country.

Only one man has the requisite unrepentant thuggishness that will be guaranteed to give the new government the time and space it needs to carry through on today's pledges for a freer Britain.'

However Diane Abbott's entry into the contest has left many conflicted, The Filthy Smoker (guesting on Devils Kitchen/Knife) writes:
'It's time for the Labour leadership to reflect the face of the smug minority.

It's time for supercilious half-wits to be properly represented.

It's Abbott time.


For too long, politics has been dominated by a privileged elite. Diane Abbot represents people like you—normal, everyday wealthy Cambridge graduates who send their children to public school and who have never had a proper job.

If you're one of the 50% of Britons who don't know what the fuck you're talking about, Abbott will make your voice heard.

If you're one of the 19% of population who indulge in rank hypocrisy, Abbott knows how you feel.

If you're one of the 8% of the population who conduct conversations with your eyes closed, as if talking to a six-year old, you must vote Abbott for Labour leader.


So don't vote for the same tired old faces. Vote for someone who once read a book by Michael Moore and can recite bits of it on television while the other guests stifle their laughter.

After 13 years of Labour rule, Britain is on its knees. Give Diane Abbott the tools and she will finish the job.

If Abbott becomes Labour leader, it will be a historic moment for the party. So go on, vote Abbott and make Labour history.'
Words that speak to me and I am sure many others but maybe it is Mr Eugenides who makes the case best as he apologises for previously suggesting Ed Balls would make the best Labour leader and now just prints a photo of Diane Abbott and says:


  1. Brilliant post by Mr. E, I have just spilt my coffee laughing.
    Yes, Diane would get my vote. We would have a period of hilarity before Labour ditched her for someone with a brain, if they can find such a person.

  2. Both very persuasive arguments. I might have to reconsider my early endorsement of Balls.

    Just imagine a Diane Abbott-Harriet Harman dream ticket at the next election. The nation is crying out for such an option (or am I confusing 'crying out' with 'screaming in terror'?)


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