
Saturday 12 June 2010

The Bilderberg Group 2010 meeting in Sitges, Spain

The Bilderberg Group fascinates me, part of me thinks it is probably just innocent politicians, business leaders and others meeting to discuss various matters of interst but another part of me thinks there must be more to it than that and anything that involves Peter Mandelson must be suspicious! Faustie's Blog has some interesting reportage on the recent Bilderberg meeting at Sitges. Here's some video from that blog...
'Dr John Coleman (author, constitutional lawyer, historian, and Middle East specialist) talks to Alex Jones about the Bilderberg Group and Club of Rome (Committee of 300), which runs the world. This club comprises the world's richest 300 families.'

As Fuasty wrote: 'Maybe EU states will take van Rompuy’s debut “first year of Global Governance” speech seriously, now that they know he’s a member of a secret and subversive group, whose goal is to create a one world system of control under corporate interests.'

Of course
'Those who run Bilderberg's annual four-day meetings, and some of the people who have been to them, insist that there is nothing sinister going on. The official line is that the meetings are no more than useful forums, talking shops for prominent people from various influential spheres (politics, business, royalty ... ) to chew the fat about big issues. And the only reason they are so secretive about what exactly goes on is to facilitate vibrant, uninhibited informal discussion.'


  1. For what its worth, Bilderberg is nothing more than an exercise in vanity for world leaders. A bit like being invited to an "exclusive" party without all the tiresome bother of civil servants and hangers on.

    Nothing gets decided apart from who plays golf with whom, and who has the best joke about Gordon Brown, of course.

  2. You been to bilderberg then Alex?

    For what it is worth i sort of agree with you. BG is not the foremost org on earth,just yet another connected elitist un-democratic collection with more power than any government. just check the guest lists and who creates these groups, who is in regular attendance, leaders come and go, the power behind the thrones remain. check out the council on foreign relations, the trilateral commission, chatam house, club of rome and the list goes on. All the same inter-related families at the head of them all and the press barely give these groups a mention, considering the people attending, that is surely something fishy.

    These people are quite blatant globalists, they want a new world order and they wil get it, only so long as we remain ms-media-fed, un-vigilant citizens. check out this quote from David Rockefeller.(start with reading his wiki entry and the links, see how much influence this one man has had)Then go and do some investigating, without the fear of being labelled a crazy conspiracy theorist. Its ok to think outside the box our eduacation and media have programmed us with.

    ''For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.''
    Page 405 of Rockefeller's autobiography, "Memoirs"


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