
Friday 4 June 2010

The general election is over so now the BBC can, albeit quietly, mention Steve Purcell

Steve Purcell; who's he? Well if you rely on the BBC for your news you've probably no idea. Steve Purcell was the former leader of Glasgow City Council who resigned under mysterious circumstances back in April. The BBC did their best not to cover the story although they were all over the Iris Robinson story from another Celtic region. As I said at the time the story broke on the blogosphere in March:
'Just imagine that a rising star in the Conservative party, a city council leader no less, had resigned under strange circumstances. Imagine if the story involved claims or speculation about drug taking, rehab clinics. Imagine if high powered lawyers had become involved. Imagine if there were photos of this former high-flyer sitting next to David Cameron last week. Imagine if the young council leader had disappeared and was rumoured to have relocated to warmer climes. Just imagine all of that happening to a Conservative councillor and tell me that it would not be headline news on the BBC.

Oddly when the story concerns a rising star Labour councillor who was pictured sitting next to Gordon Brown last week, not a word on the BBC whose political lead stories still include a Lord Ashcroft story.'
The BBC, so predictable in their political news coverage.

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