
Friday 4 June 2010

Gordon Brown living in the past. Does he realise he's not Prime Minister any more?

It seems that Gordon brown's blog hasn't been updated with any articles since this delusional article posted at 6:09 pm on 7 May (my emphasis):
Renewed Mandate for Change
While are disappointed by last night's results, we must all ensure we rally around the right choices for the future of the country.

With the global downturn, voting confidence, and the burgeoning social challenges of the modern age on the agenda it's right and proper that Liberal Democrats look to those with a proven track record of delivery on the economy, reform and social justice.

With Nick Clegg's support I can renew my mandate as Prime Minister and the mandate of the Labour Party to deliver on top of the extraordinary legacy of three unprecedented terms.

In the modern age, as we tackle the challenges ahead it's right that Liberal Democrats make the responsible choice and support my continued leadership.

Surely this reflects the settled will of the people and the electorate's message from last night's results.

What is also noteworthy is that the blog's Twitter feed is still set to Number 10's Twitter feed so Gordon Brown's blog is telling us all about Stephen Harper's visit and Andrew Mitchell's speech.

Does Gordon Brown intend to update his blog to take account of him no longer being Prime Minister or is he still in denial?

Mind you I note that Gordon Brown was never a regular blogger. The previous post to the 7 May one was one dated Sunday, August 16, 2009 and was about 'introducing new local council health 'tsars' with new responsibilities' and the 'benefits' of the NHS database.

The post prior to that was dated Friday, July 03, 2009 and makes me wonder if the blog really is Gordon Brown's or is in fact a parody:
'We in government, recognise the real challenges we all face.

Take the issue of MP's expenses which I sure-footedly navigated the government through. It has caused consternation and dismay with the electorate that rather than working as hard as we possibly could to deliver social justice and a level playing field for all, we were sometimes wasting vital time with oak beams.

Precious time we as MPs should have spent on delivering ID cards and the ID database, more CCTV, new rubbish taxes, DNA retention, more terror laws and more sex education for five year olds.'

The more articles I read the more I realise that this in fact a brilliant spoof and that it's a shame I only found it after Gordon Brown was kicked out of office.

Thanks to Mrs Rigby for the spot.

1 comment:

  1. It's a remarkably good spoof isn't it?

    The words, the phrases - all ring true.

    (PS - It's, umm, Rigby, without the 's')


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