
Wednesday 2 June 2010

How are the Labour leadership elections going? (02.06.10 17:30 update)

As of 17:30 update today:
Diane Abbott - 3 (+ 1) - Diane Abbott sees another nomination during the day and yes she has managed to persuade herself to nominate herself. Obviously Diane Abbott is a very persuasive woman. Just 30 more nominations needed Diane...

Ed Balls - 33 (no change) - still no nomination from Gordon Brown, can he not decide who to damn with his vote?

Andy Burnham - 18 (no change)

John McDonnell - 7 (no change)

David Miliband - 58 (+ 1) - keeping ahead of his younger, even smugger, brother

Ed Miliband - 47 (+ 2) - smuggly racking up the nominations as well as Tony Benn's support (see below)

Ed Miliband has received the backing of Tony Benn, now that must be welcome! Actually if Ed Miliband is looking for votes from the left as a counter to his brother's support amongst Blairites, then Tony Benn's approval will only help. In 2007 Tony Benn supported John McDonnell but has decided to swap his support to the Miliband that worked in his office some years ago. Amongst all sensible people Tony Benn's support would be most unwelcome but to anyone who believes the pro Benn propaganda that has spewed from the BBC and indeed Tony Benn himself for years, this must seem almost as welcome as support from Nelson Mandela. The mere fact that Tony Benn has been on the wrong side (in my opinion) of most arguments since 1951 is neither here nor there. Is Ed Miliband taking left wing votes from Ed Balls? Are we to see an Ed on Ed fight?

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