
Thursday 3 June 2010

How are the Labour leadership elections going? (03.06.10 17:30 update)

As of 17:30 update today:
Diane Abbott - 5 (+ 2) - some movement at last as Diane Abbott garners nominations from Chinyelu Onwurah and Jon Trickett to add to her previous star-studded selection of Kelvin Hopkins, David 'Mastermind' Lammy and herself.

Ed Balls - 33 (no change) - still no nomination from Gordon Brown, can he not decide who to damn with his vote?

Andy Burnham - 20 (+ 1) - getting closer Andy, well done you.

John McDonnell - 7 (no change)

David Miliband - 62 (+ 3) - keeping the nominations nicely trickling in day by day and keeping ahead of his younger, even smugger, brother

Ed Miliband - 49 (+ 2) - smugly racking up some additional nominations

Rumour has it that John Cruddas is about to nominate Diane Abbott, thus maybe moving his acolytes to follow suit and so kill of John McDonnell's campaign.

For some analysis of the Labour leadership nominations process and where the extra nominations might go, may I recommend a read of this piece by Duncan Hall...

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