
Thursday 3 June 2010

John Prescott chairing Have I Got News For You!

Beyond satire - John Prescott to chair 'Have I Got News For You' tonight. I object to any part of my licence fee going to this boorish fool and I hope that he is treated with the complete lack of respect that he deserves. Certainly any pulling of punches by Ian Hislop will be looked upon with grave displeasure by this NotaSheep.

I would have thought that the tub of lard that was used when Roy Hattersley failed to turn up for the third time would make a more eloquent and intelligent chairman than the former Deputy Prime Minister and recently enobled John 'cocktail sausage' Prescott.


  1. I missed it. What happened ?
    Presumebly everyone took the mickey out of Prescott, or were they too worried he may turn violent ?

  2. Only Ian Hislop had a real go but even he seemed a little restrained. A dsiappointing show mainly because John Prescott was so wooden and also because how van you laugh at someone whose ineptitude helped to destroy this country?

  3. Mr. Goat,
    Thank God I didn't see it.
    I am almost at the stage where I only listen to TMS which I am sure the BBC would like to shelve.
    Speaking of which, time for me to listen to England v Bangladesh and the return of Henry Blofeld.
    If only the whole world played by the rules of cricket ! ( without the cheating ! )


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