
Monday 7 June 2010

UK government dhimmitude

Two articles from this weekend's news show the extent of the dhimmitude of the UK government of whatever colour.

The first is from The Telegraph and concerns the fact that:
'Senior civil servants warned ministers that if they ordered a public inquiry into the July 7 suicide bombings it could "focus negatively" on Britain's Muslim community, it can be revealed.

The warning was delivered in a briefing paper to Charles Clarke, the then-home secretary, as he considered whether or not to launch an inquiry into the 2005 bombings, in which 52 innocent people were killed.

In the paper, Sir John Gieve, the Home Office permanent secretary, said that upsetting Muslims would be a "potential cost" of ministers agreeing to demands for a full inquiry.

After receiving Sir John's paper, Mr Clarke decided not to order a public inquiry – a decision which infuriated many survivors and relatives of those killed.

One survivor said last night that she was "outraged" by the revelation.


As an alternative to a public inquiry the Home Office published, a year after the bombings, a "narrative" drafted by its own officials which merely set out the events leading up to the bombings, with little analysis of underlying causes.

Sir John's note, written four months after the bombings but newly-released under Freedom of Information laws, outlines the determination of senior civil servants to ensure that any inquiries into the atrocity were "low key".

It warned of "potential community tension in the event that any inquiry came to be perceived as an exercise in special pleading by one community, or alternatively if it was believed that it focused negatively on the Muslim community". '
That was the attitude of the last Labour government, be nice to the 'Muslim community' and they might not kill us. Many moderate Muslims are as outraged by this as I am.

Douglas Murray in The Telegraph reveals that this Conservative/LibDem government is just as timid and obsequious around the 'Muslim community':
'I have just been forwarded an email from the UK government which suggests that the new administration does not merely feel blackmailed by Islamists but is also actively trying to placate them.....'
You can read the email at The Telegraph, it has annoyed me too much to post it here.

The UK government, no doubt advised by its community advisors, has decided that the best way to avoid further bloodshed along the lines of 7/7 is to try and appease Muslim extremists as much as possible. The fact that this wont work as the hardline jihadis just want us dead, seems to have escaped them. In a months time the public will be reminded of the events of 7/7 and for a while they will think and remember. I think about those that died and those that were maimed by home-grown terrorists almost every day and it hurts, it really hurts that the UK government seems to think that appeasement is the answer.

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