
Saturday 18 September 2010

Most ridiculous claim of 2010?

Helen Boaden claims that 'Impartiality is in our genes'. Apparently the director of BBC news thinks that (my emphasis):
'I always think that impartiality is in our DNA - it's part of the BBC's genetic make-up.

Anyone who thinks differently doesn't really understand how the organisation works and how seriously we take issues around balance and impartiality.

That's why, for example, we've planned our coverage of the spending cuts so carefully - to make the choices facing the government clear to our audiences and ensuring we cover the "whys and wherefores" of the spending review. It's how we always approach our reporting - whatever the subject.


When stories are complex, highly charged and politicised, audiences rely on our specialists to give them context, assess evidence and test opinions without fear or favour.

Our presenters take professional pride in holding the powerful to account through fair but tough questioning. All our journalists - on and off air - are acutely aware of their responsibility to be impartial. That's why, for example, we report the problems of the BBC as we would any other institution. And that's why our trust ratings remain so high. And in a healthy democracy our audiences would not want it any other way.'

On a scale of one to ten how much rubbish is Helen Boaden speaking? Every day Biased BBC document the bias that the BBC pump out day after day. Will Helen Boaden address the points that Biased BBC, Beeb Bias Crag and myself have made over the past few years?


  1. Earth to Helen Boaden! Earth to Helen Boaden!

    I've re-cycled a couple of my posts as comments on her ridiculous post. (Wonder how long they'll survive the moderators, especially as they are very detailed and specific!) You'll recognise one of them very well NotaSheep, as you also complained about the same case of outrageous bias by Andrew Marr.

  2. I see 34 is still there and I hazard a guess will remain so as it does not contain proof of bias. 36 is still there and is the one that interests me the most as it formed the bais of a complaint of mine to the BBC that was not satisfactorily answered. 38 is still there and is another excellent analysis of BBC bias. 39 'has been referred for further consideration', what did this comment say? I would be glad to publish it on my blog...

  3. Thanks again for helping me cheat the BBC censors!

    I wonder if my name went down on a 'blacklist' after comment 38, so your first comment (with mine riding piggyback, as it were!) got through because they weren't - yet! - looking for your name on the 'blacklist'???

    Strange folk though, BBC moderators!

  4. I give her a 10 on the bullshit scale. She reminds me of that Iraqi spin doctor. Common Purpose has trained their performing monkey well though....


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