
Wednesday 22 September 2010

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear; they are up early

A comment to my 9/11 lest we forget post has reminded me that there are some people with very odd views around. 'Just Woke Up' wrote
'Lest we forget the American Govt cover-up of an obvious black op. Lest we forget the Mossad agents dancing on a roof as they filmed this. Lest we forget the Pakistani involvement. Lest we forget all the thousand and one inconvenient technical facts surrounding this debacle. Lest we forget that the victims and their families deserved a better investigation. Lest we forget Bldg 7. Lest we forget that the truth is still not known. Lest we forget! 911 Truth Movement.'

Amongst the usual conspiracy theory claims was a new one on me ' Lest we forget the Mossad agents dancing on a roof as they filmed this'. Source please 'Just woke Up'


  1. the 'dancing mossad agents' is a new one on you?? where have you been?? yes, its conjecture that they were mossad agents, but 5 israelis WERE arrested on 9/11 for filming the the towers. its conjecture whether they started filming before the first plane hit. the facts and the conjecture have been reported since sept 13, 2001. you seem to be playing catch-up.,2933,34250,00.html

  2. Fox News report says 'The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards.' Five Men no record of Israeli let alone Mossad.

    ABC Daily News is unavailable.

    So where is the Israel/Mossad link? Do you have any evidence at all?

  3. The police report quotes one of the arrested men as saying "we are Israelis". Can you use google? this article is fully referenced to the original sources, including tthe Jerusalem post, haretz, the Israeli national news service, new York post etc etc. The (jewish) families of the arrested men even appeared on Israeli tv.

    Maybe you should look into the company 'urban moving systems' that the men were working for, why they were detained by the FBI for 71 days, why urban moving systems owner, dominick suter, fled the US in a hurry. I know these things don't fit into your world view, but sometimes you have to do more research than just watch the BBC and shout at them for their perceived anti Israel bias.

  4. So what is your claim? Are you suggesting that it was israelis that brought down the 4 planes? Or that the Saudis were paid by the Israelis? Or that Saudi Jihadis and ISraelis worked together to forward the Jihad? Or do you have another explanation?

  5. i dont come here with a claim. i was just trying to get you to refute yours - that the dancing israelis story was just a conspiraloon fabrication, despite many facts about it being in the public domain.

    do you now accept that the five israelis were arrested? do you accept that they said, in their own words, "our purpose was to document the event"?

    my own theory is this: bin laden has never claimed responsibility for the attacks, and he likely died in dec 2001, either whilst escaping from tora-bora, or because of a lack of dialysis. the videos released from dec 2001 of bin laden are significantly different to those that come before, in physical appearance and language, and in these he admits to being the mastermind behind 9/11 for the first time - something he had denied (in the videos where he still looks like himself). i find it very suspicious that he has supposedly just escaped from a bloody battle and simultaneously put on lots of weight, dyed his beard, grown his nose and started wearing gold rings. but thats just me.

    my own theory about the involvement of rogue elements within Mossad and/or CIA is the same as Alan Hart's recently expressed views. it almost certainly started as a muslim plot, but was then co-opted by undercover israeli agents that were embedded within muslim forces, rogue elements within mossad and/or CIA decided to use the plot to their advantage. israel needed domination of the region in order to survive, the american military-industrial complex needed wars to survive, the 'project for a new american century' demanded a new pearl harbour. the muslims flew the planes and were allowed to fly them into the twin towers, and either mossad or the CIA rigged the towers with explosives so they would fall and they got their justification for war. the muslims probably didnt expect the towers to come down. i know i didnt when i watched it happen, live.

    you can hear Alan Hart's interview here - he used to be middle east correspondent for ITN, and also worked for the bbc. please note: if the bbc was as biased as you continually claim, how come Hart couldnt say these things on the bbc?

  6. That would be the same Alan Hart who wrote that 'The colonial enterprise that Zionism is has corrupted everything it touched, beginning with the United Nations and including the mainstream media, what passes for democracy in the Western world (America especially) and Judaism itself.'

    That would be the same Alan Hart who also wrote 'the Zionist state, which came into being as a consequence of Zionism terrorism and ethnic cleansing, had no right to exist and, more to the point, could have no right to exist unless ... it was recognised and legitimized by those who were dispossessed of their land and their rights during the creation of the Zionist state. In international law only the Palestinians could give Israel the legitimacy it craved. And that legitimacy was the only thing the Zionists could not and cannot take from the Palestinians by force.'

    That would be the same Alan Hart who also wrote that the "Jews who went to Palestine in answer to Zionism’s call had no biological connection to the ancient Hebrews. The incoming Zionist Jews were mainly foreign nationals of many lands... The notion that there are two entire peoples with an equally valid claim to the same land is an historical nonsense.'

    That would be the same Alan Hart who has also suggested that Israel might attempt to trigger a war between the United States and Iran using a stolen American nuclear weapon and that Israel will expel all of the Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza strip as soon as the opportunity presents itself. That would be the same Gaza Strip that Israel unilaterally and completely left to the Palestinians, would it?

    That would be same Alan Hart who wrote - 'Zionism: v. 1: The Real Enemy of the Jews'?

    Hmm seems an unbiased witness for the prosecution of Israel as to blame for 9/11...

    You say that 'israel needed domination of the region in order to survive' - Domination of the region, have you seen a map of the Middle East? Israel is a sliver of land at present, return it to 1967 borders and you could drive across it in under an hour.

    You say that 'either mossad or the CIA rigged the towers with explosives so they would fall' - Have you any idea how much explosives that would need? How would these explosives have been planted in two such enormous towers? Would nobody have noticed the explosives, the wiring, the teams of contractors? Have you ever worked in a building like that? Do you know how many people work late, very late? Or were they all paid off by Mossad?

    A plane crashes into a skyscraper and you were surprised when it collapses? Have you any idea of the forces involved when a plane slows from 400+ mph to nil in the space of 100 foot or so? Do you know how hot aviation fuel burns and the effect that has on steel and concrete? Do you know the effect that a sudden 500mph wind from one direction has on metal and concrete? Did you know that metals lose about 50% of their strength at 60% of their melting temperature?

  7. yes, the same Alan Hart. the only thing that is contentious in what you say about him is that Israel has not yet expelled all palestinians from gaza/west bank. i would agree with mr hart that zionism is the worst enemy of judaism. you see people think judaism and zionism are one and the same, but of course one can be a christian zioinst, or a jewish anti-zionist. also, its highly debate-able that there is much of an ethnic link between jewish europeans and the levante people - which can be traced back to mass adoption of judaism (or more appropriately, talmudism) by the khazars of eurasia, not the levante, way back in the middle ages and their subsequent migration westwards into europe.

    and, yes, it would need a lot of explosives. how do YOU explain unreacted US military-grade nano-thermite in the rubble of the towers?
    how did they place the charges? do you know that security was changed in the towers prior to 9/11, sniffer dogs withdrawn in the week before, odd engineering works on vacant floors, as confirmed by 'last man out' janitor william rodriguez or massive explosions in the basements of both towers prior to the collapse, the presence of molten metal in the lift-shafts at temperatures that could not be created by jet fuel...really we could argue all day and we wouldnt convince each other because we have opposing world views that at least one of us finds very hard to question. and anyway, that is not the point of our little argument here.

    the original point of your whole blog post was "what a silly bunch of conspiracy idiots, they claim dancing israelis were arrested on 9/11, lets all laugh at them, they are soooo beyond the pale". i have proven to you that the men in question were arrested and were israeli, you have ignored these points once it was clear you were mistaken and just attacked me for my overall theory, which i only gave because you asked for it. i would like your original post ammended, as it is disinformation.

  8. and israel does dominate the region. it might be a very small country, but it has a nuclear arsenal and the worlds largest superpower giving it free state of the art weaponry and a massive, very well funded lobby in the same country's congress which no doubt contributed to the two massive wars of aggression conducted in its backyard for the past ten years.

  9. You have proven nothing but you have made a lot of accusations. Yes I realise that Judaism and Zionism are not synonymous, however show me a non-Jewish anti-Zionist and generally I will show you an anti-Semite. Oh the old the Jews are not really from Israel line, do your research before you try that one on me.

    Do you know anything about explosives? Did you know that thermite is an incendiary not an explosive? Did you know that Thermite is not used in the demolition of buildings because whilst it can be used to melt horizontal pieces of steel as it produces molten iron at up to 2,500 degrees centigrade, which flows onto the target and melts it, it cannot be used to melt vertical structures, because the molten iron simply flows past the target.

    Now answer my questions about the Israel's domination of the Middle East and the destruction of the towers...

    You say that 'israel needed domination of the region in order to survive' - Domination of the region, have you seen a map of the Middle East? Israel is a sliver of land at present, return it to 1967 borders and you could drive across it in under an hour.

    You say that 'either mossad or the CIA rigged the towers with explosives so they would fall' - Have you any idea how much explosives that would need? How would these explosives have been planted in two such enormous towers? Would nobody have noticed the explosives, the wiring, the teams of contractors? Have you ever worked in a building like that? Do you know how many people work late, very late? Or were they all paid off by Mossad?

    A plane crashes into a skyscraper and you were surprised when it collapses? Have you any idea of the forces involved when a plane slows from 400+ mph to nil in the space of 100 foot or so? Do you know how hot aviation fuel burns and the effect that has on steel and concrete? Do you know the effect that a sudden 500mph wind from one direction has on metal and concrete? Did you know that metals lose about 50% of their strength at 60% of their melting temperature?

    Show me some proof of the claims you make that :'security was changed in the towers prior to 9/11, sniffer dogs withdrawn in the week before, odd engineering works on vacant floors, as confirmed by 'last man out' janitor william rodriguez or massive explosions in the basements of both towers prior to the collapse, the presence of molten metal in the lift-shafts at temperatures that could not be created by jet fuel..' Can you support any of these claims?

    You talk to me about disinformation? I am in awe!

  10. Anon 17:31: Would you care to compare the amounts of arms sold to Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia? How about the amount of aid given to the Palestinian territories each year?

    'massive wars of aggression'! Surely attacks provoked by years of rocket attacks on civilian targets.

  11. You are glossing over the original point again. Were israelis arrested on 9/11 for videoing the towers?

    im not saying all jews are not really from israel. but i dont understand why it matters so much to zionists. last time i checked we were all from africa, maybe we should all go live there...

    with the list of 'security changed etc', i was parodying your own list. my point is that there is so much written about 9/11 from both perspectives, that it is impossible for one person to understand and absorb it all. you have absorbed elements that fit with your world view and find it difficult to accept things that run counter to it - like the original point of this discussion. there are arguments and counter-arguments for complicity in 9/11, yours of course are cogent, but dont fully explain everything.

    you are correct - i know little about explosives. so im guessing when i theorize that thermite packed around the main support columns with explosives packed behind would sever the support columns when ignited. im probably wrong. i dont know - but that still doesnt account for why thermite was found in the rubble, does it? or was that not mentioned in the episode of brainiac you watched?

    when i say 'mossad/cia did it', im entertaining the possibility, not saying it is fact. im like you. i dont really know what the fuck is going on. i play devil's advocate a lot to try and further my knowledge. i'll tell you what i've learnt. it can all be boiled down to one handy phrase: one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. given that we are all men (and women), surely you can see WHY palestinians throw rockets at israel? its the same reason israel has that massive well equipped army.

    your last point lacks perspective. two massive US-led wars of agression, displacement of millions of people, drone attacks etc etc are justified because of years of palestinian rockets coming into israel? are you mad?
    yes, lets compare the amount of arms israel has to egypt and saudi. israel has nuclear weapons, technology donated from the US. can egypt and saudi boast the same?

  12. Why haven't my replies been posted? Disinformation AND censorship now. Amazement.

  13. Anon 10:00: I have posted every message that has been submitted on this thread (unless they were 100% duplicates of another submitted).

    Please resubmit and I will post, unless it is libellous or similar.

  14. Anon 10:00: My apologies, your last comment ended up in my Spam folder. I marked it as not spam and then it disappeared. Please resubmit...

  15. Were israelis arrested on 9/11 for videoing the towers? just answer the damn question notasheep...that was the point of this discussion (lest you forget!)

  16. Arrested yes, what for and were they guilty seems a rather more contentious question.

  17. contentious, yes. which was exactly what i said in my first post. glad we got there in the end.

  18. Now that you are happy with my answer. Would you care to address my question to you - Are you suggesting that it was Israelis that brought down the 4 planes? Or that the Saudis were paid by the Israelis? Or that Saudi Jihadis and Israelis worked together to forward the Jihad? Or do you have another explanation?

  19. i already gave you a possible interpretation. i am suggesting that mossad and/or cia COULD have infiltrated jihadi networks, seen a terror plot was coming, and manipulated it for their own agenda, and massaged the bin laden myth after the man was already very dead.

    im not saying they definitely did, and if bin laden turns up tmrw i'll obviously have to revise my opinion. in the end, im just like you - i dont know one way or the other. i just like to see people who run blogs get their facts straight, which is why i had to pull you up.


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