
Tuesday 28 September 2010

The repositioning of the global environmental crisis

James Delingpole in The Telegraph writes a fascinating article. He reports that (my emphasis):
'The 58th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Sitges, Spain 3 – 6 June 2010. The Conference will deal mainly with Financial Reform, Security, Cyber Technology, Energy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, World Food Problem, Global Cooling, Social Networking, Medical Science, EU-US relations.'
And concludes from this that
'Either it was a printing error.

Or the global elite is perfectly well aware that global cooling represents a far more serious and imminent threat to the world than global warming, but is so far unwilling to admit it except behind closed doors.'
So it could be back to the 1970s worry of Global Cooling as the figures show that there is no real global warming, once one subtracts 'fiddle factors', disregards rising temperatures reported from weather stations sited on heat islands, etc. etc.

James Delingpole writes
'The next few years are going to be very interesting. Watch the global power elite squirming to reposition itself as it slowly distances itself from Anthropogenic Global Warming (”Who? Us? No. We never thought of it as more than a quaint theory…”), and tries to find new ways of justifying green taxation and control. (Ocean acidification; biodiversity; et al). You’ll notice sly shifts in policy spin. In Britain, for example, Chris “Chicken Little” Huhne’s suicidal “dash for wind” will be re-invented as a vital step towards “energy security.” There will be less talk of “combatting climate change” and more talk of “mitigation”. You’ll hear enviro-Nazis like Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren avoid reference to “global warming” like the plague, preferring the more reliably vague phrase “global climate disruption.”'
And he is probably right but as I have said before the Global Warming/Man Made Climate Change 'narrative' was always less about the planet and more about power and control by government and big corporations over the little people.

Do read the comments under James Delingpole's piece there are many nuggets of information there, information that the 'warmist' mainstream media would never acknowledge.

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