
Thursday 30 September 2010

Should Gordon Brown stand trial?

Jeremy Warner in The Telegraph wonders whether:
'...Brown should be joining Iceland's former PM in the dock

Iceland’s decision to push ahead with charges of negligence against its former prime minister, Geir Haarde, raises the not entirely frivolous question of whether it might be possible to mount a similar case against Gordon Brown.

Nevermind the alleged war crimes of Tony Blair, ruination of the British economy is a pretty serious charge. The case is quite easily constructed; that he did willfully take the brakes off public spending, that he failed to control the recklessness of the banks, that he stripped the Bank of England of its powers of financial supervision and gave them instead to a shiny new, politically correct but wholly inept regulator, that he misled parliament over the state of the public finances...'

A good idea and one that I proposed some time ago.

Do also take the time to read the comments to this article, tehre are some good ones and some odd ones:
Today 09:16 AM
But surely this shouldn't surprise anyone? In The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism the author Bertrand Russel describes a meeting with

(damnit was in Lenin or Stalin? Stupid short term memory! lets call it Lenin)

Lenin where Lenin says that the aim of all Labour party members in the UK should be to destroy the democratic capitalist system from the inside, through deliberate mismanagement to create such unrest as to sow the seeds for a revolution. There is documented links between recent labour party members and communist russia right up to the 1980's.

This is what labour has always set out to do, to destroy our libertarian, democratic, capitalist society. Mission accomplished!

Edit - sorry for short term memory, on my first jaunt through this fascinating area and i tend to read books twice to let it all sink in, only on my first read of Russell.

Today 09:02 AM
Nulabour's entire economic model was nothing but a giant ponzi scheme. Inflation was fiddled to keep interest rates low, people were then encouraged to borrow excessively, often against the imagined increase in the value of their homes in order to stimulate a retail "boom" that could be misinterpreted as a real economic boom.

Like all ponzi schemes it worked for a while, but inevitably ended in tears.

Today 09:58 AM
Yes, but it was designed to fail deliberately

People describe Bliar and brown as 'incompetent' but their destruction of our nation and our wealth was deliberate and very well planned.

And the sheeple swallowed it, infinitely appreciating house prices, wealth for nothing, pension paid for by equity in property. debt is wealth etc etc etc

Christ, the sheeple are sooooooooo fekkn dumb '

1 comment:

  1. good to see you have a thorough understanding of Marxism.

    the following is not true in any way:

    "This is what labour has always set out to do, to destroy our libertarian, democratic, capitalist society. Mission accomplished!"

    unfortunately we still live in a advanced capitalist system, which New Labour embraced completely - to think otherwise is pretty blinkered and disningenuous. and thankfully we still live in a democracy. if you had any understanding of Marxism you would know that socialism cannot exist without democracy and accountability.

    I've thought for a while now that the author of this blog is an idiot - its clear the 'friends' he chats to to reinforce his beliefs are also idiots. have any of you actually read any Marx?


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