
Tuesday 28 September 2010

The totalitarian instincts of the left in evidence once again

I read in the NY Times that:
'Federal law enforcement and national security officials are preparing to seek sweeping new regulations for the Internet, arguing that their ability to wiretap criminal and terrorism suspects is “going dark” as people increasingly communicate online instead of by telephone.

Essentially, officials want Congress to require all services that enable communications — including encrypted e-mail transmitters like BlackBerry, social networking Web sites like Facebook and software that allows direct “peer to peer” messaging like Skype — to be technically capable of complying if served with a wiretap order. The mandate would include being able to intercept and unscramble encrypted messages.

The bill, which the Obama administration plans to submit to lawmakers next year, raises fresh questions about how to balance security needs with protecting privacy and fostering innovation. And because security services around the world face the same problem, it could set an example that is copied globally. '

Once again the true face of the totalitarian left comes into clear focus and its not a pretty sight is it? The need to monitor everything and know everything has been a feature of left wing regimes from Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and Honecker through Gordon Brown & his team of control freaks to the frankly scary Barack Obama.

1 comment:

  1. does Obama scare you cos he's mixed race?

    I'm not his biggest fan. But he's clearly better than the last guy.

    Your analysis of 'leftwing regimes' is a bit selective dont you think? Pick a load of tyrants and dictators that were only leftwing in name and not in practice, then add Gordon Brown and Obama onto the end...but silly isnt it? I mean, you could have picked the incredibly successful post-war social democratic Scandinavian countries as your example instead. but then that wouldnt back up your weird little world-view that all leftwing people are totalitarians.

    and Gordon Brown, leftwing? really? banking deregulation, civil liberties, trident, ID cards, iraq war...hmmm doesnt look very leftwing when we analyse it does he...looks pretty rightwing to me! you guys should be happy!

    and Obama leftwing? the man brought to you by Goldman Sachs? really? really really?


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