
Friday 29 October 2010

Dhimmitude and Sharia law in the UK and USA

Some stories struck me recently as being in someway part of a narrative. The first in The mail related the story of the 'Cafe owner ordered to remove extractor fan because neighbour claimed 'smell of frying bacon offends Muslims' Read the whole story and see whether you think the Councillors at Stockport Council in Greater Manchester are exhibiting signs of dhimmitude.

Creeping sharia reported on the latest news in the Flight 93 memorial story. This is a subject that I have reported upon before and one that I find hard to believe gets so little MSM attention.

Hudson New York reports on the rise of sharia banking and the possible implications. It's a long article, do go and read it all, but here are some extracts:
'While most people are still ignorant of the tremendous growth of Sharia Banking in the West, a recent report by International Financial Services London reveals that Britain's Islamic banking sector is now bigger than that of Pakistan.

What is important to grasp is that Islam recognises no authority superior to Sharia law. When trillions of pounds and dollars are locked into them, Sharia banks will not recognize the superior authority of the law of the land.

One thing possibly many of the Westerners are yet to realize is, by simply opening an account with any of the Sharia compliance banks, they in other words are giving endorsement to -- and enabling -- the advance of Sharia law, which endorses, among other tenets, stoning for adultery; hanging for homosexuality, and an officially inferior status for non-believers and women.

Equally troubling is the potential cover provided by Sharia finance for the financing of terrorism. Sharia requires Muslims to tithe a percentage of their money to charity, called "Zakat." But charity in Islam is more like a solidarity, so some of this money donated to Islamic charities finds its way to organizations promoting jihad and supporting suicide bombing, including Hamas, Hezbollah, the families of Palestinian suicide bombers, and Islamist madrassas in places like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey, and Egypt, among others.

The UK now has five fully "Sharia-compliant" banks which prohibit interest payments, and investment in alcohol or gambling firms in accordance with Islamic Sharia law – while another 17 leading institutions, including Barclays, RBS and Lloyds Banking Group, have set up special branches or subsidiary firms for Muslim clients.


The implications for the West, and especially for the United States, are staggeringly destructive. Islamic banking, working through global banks, is doing for Islam what it could never do on its own: giving legitimacy to Sharia law and infiltrating it into the fabric of Western society. To insure compliance and to become "Sharia banking" compliant, banks must hire Sharia experts to review and approve each product and practice of the bank, to make sure that whatever transactions occur there are "Halal," or in compliance with Sharia law. As there is a shortage of such Sharia experts, there is competition among banks to find such experts to sit on their boards of directors.

Having an "expert" involved, now made at the director level rather than the management level in banking decisions, provides legitimacy to each banking decision. Most of these Sharia experts," however, are from the radical Wahhabi school of Islam in Saudi Arabia, and hold views diametrically opposed to the basic values of Western civilization. Even a cursory look at the names, affiliations and views of popular Sharia scholars, such as Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, Sheikh Muhammad Taqi Usmani, Sheikh Mohamed Ali Elgari, Faysal Mawlawi, Sheikh Nizam Yaquby, Suleyman al-Maniya and others, many of whom sit on the Sharia advisory boards of dozens of Islamic banks and get paid princely sums from each, would make it clear that most are hardline Islamists and, in at least some instances, open supporters of terrorism. Here are two examples of those Sharia experts hired by Western and US banks for operating Sharia banking:

1. Yousuf Quaradawi,prominent in the Muslim Brotherhood, owns two banks himself and has issued statements in support of Palestinian attacks on Israeli citizens and has issued rulings supporting Hamas and Hezbollah jihad attacks against Israel.
2. Muhammad Yaqui Usami, a radical Deobandi cleric and Sharia court judge in Pakistan, and on the board of organizations that train thousands of Taliban and jihad foot soldiers, is not only complicit in the murder and suffering of countless innocent Ahmadiya Muslims as "apostates" because they disagreed with his Islamic mandates, but on record preaching that Muslims living in the West "must live in peace until strong enough to wage Jihad' against their fellow-citizens in order "to establish the supremacy of Islam."'

JPost reports on where some of the money I pay to the EU (via UK taxation) is going, and I am not happy:
'A British taxpayer watchdog group unveiled two reports on Monday detailing the role of European foreign aid in the transmission of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic narratives in Palestinian Authority schools and media in Jerusalem.

The reports, “Palestinian Hate Education Since Annapolis” and “Funding Hate Education,” detail what the Taxpayers’ Alliance refers to as a campaign of “demonizing Israel” largely funded by European taxpayers, a policy it says diminishes long-term hopes for peace.


According to the Taxpayers’ Alliance, European foreign aid provided to the PA, including €420 million and £63.6m. in 2007 alone, “create[s] a responsibility to ensure that the Palestinian Authority does not misuse its budget.”

Ayalon described the problems that hatred and incitement toward Israel in the Palestinian territories spell for coexistence and said that peace will remain impossible “as long as we don’t see the acceptance of Israel as a legitimate and natural part of the Middle East.”'

Every day I read articles like these and wonder why so few people seem to see the emerging pattern. Most days I don't bother to blog these stories because this blog is not just about Islam and Israel, but the number of such stories stored in Firefox on my PC just pushed me over the edge today.

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