
Sunday 3 October 2010

Is the time nearing when we in the UK will reap what Labour have sown?

ABC News report (my emphasis):
'Strong concerns that terrorist teams in Europe have selected their targets, completed their surveillance, eluded capture and are now ready to strike at airports and tourist attractions have prompted the State Department to ready a highly unusual travel advisory for Europe, multiple law enforcement and intelligence sources tell ABC News.

Intelligence and law enforcement officials have information that the teams could at any time launch a "Mumbai style" terror attack that targets civilians for death or hostage taking. The 2008 Mumbai attack used small arms and explosives to kill 175 people and paralyze the Indian city for days.

The current concerns are for scenarios that include opening fire at airports in Europe as well as executing similar attacks at "soft" targets like tourist attractions or hotels.

According to ABC News sources, the terror plotters have moved through the surveillance stage, checked back in with al Qaeda in Pakistan, and have received the go-ahead to strike.

Officials said earlier that Osama bin Laden had approved or blessed the attack plan.

The suspects reportedly include British and German citizens, who may be of Pakistani or Afghan ethnicity.


European and U.S. authorities first learned of the plot over the summer following the capture of a suspected German terrorist who had been training in Pakistan.

Intensified drone strikes in Pakistan have been confirmed as in part aimed at paralyzing the attackers.

Recent law enforcement operations within the United States have helped to flush out chatter that added to earlier concerns about the U.S. homeland as a possible additional target of the attacks.

Known targets are believed to include England, France and Germany. Additional European countries, including Italy and Belgium, are also targets, multiple sources say.

As the threat picture continues to unfold it appears to include the possibility of multiple coordinated attacks in multiple countries. As such, it would be the most significant al Qaeda plot to have reached the operational stage in recent years.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had no official comment, but sources say no change in the U.S. threat level is expected unless specific information regarding a U.S. threat develops.'

Did you spot the missing words in the above report? Can I remind you that the Pakistani funded terrorists who massacred so many in Bombay/Mumbai were Islamic jihadis, one clue was their choice of a Jewish centre to attack. Might then the word 'Muslim' or 'Islamic' have found its way into the report? Unless I am wrong and the expected attacks are by pissed off Buddhists or Parsees who have allied themselves with Al Qaeda...

Anyway it's welcome to Londonistan, capital of the easiest country in Europe for Islamic terrorists of Pakistani origin to operate. Don't say that you weren't warned this could/would happen, Melanie Phillips was castigated for her book Londonistan in 2006.

Thanks to A Tangled Web for the spot.

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