
Tuesday 12 October 2010

Not really the whole story is it? (Update)

Further to this item I see that the BBC are persisting with their misleadingly on-sided reporting of the boys who ambushed an Israeli settler in his car and were run over by him as he tried to avoid them and the rocks they were throwing. The BBC's latest latest piece is entitled 'Israel debates 'child violence' after Palestinians hurt'. I love the placing of the phrase 'child violence' in between quotation marks as though Palestinian children could not possibly be violent and it is just the Israeli's who could think such a thing.

This BBC article is a masterpiece of bias and hate mongering, here's some extracts with my analysis and questions: 'An Israeli parliamentary committee has been debating the issue of the involvement of children in violent activities after two young Palestinian boys were run over and injured by an Israeli right-wing activist.' Did the the committee decide to debate this subject after the weekend's incident or before? Note the use of 'right wing' as a pejorative term; why is Mr Be'eri described thus?

'David Be'eri says he hit the boys because they were throwing stones at him.' Is there any doubt that David Be'eri was attacked by a rock throwing gang of boys? If you watch the video of the incident, something that the BBC refuse to show, you will see this quite plainly. The video is on my previous post re this matter.

'Palestinians and human rights groups have criticised his actions.' And this is in anyway surprising, Palestinanans and 'human rights groups' exist to criticise and destroy Israel. Have Palestinians and 'human rights groups' uttered a word about the Palestinian boy cold-bloodily set on fire and thus killed? Is the fact that the perpetrator in this case was the boy's Palestinian father rather than an Israeli a factor behind the lack of protests in this case?


'Video footage and photographs of the incident appear to show Mr Be'eri's car swerving to the wrong side of the road and accelerating towards the boys - throwing one of them, 11-year-old Amran Mansur, into the air.' An incredible sentence. The video shows Mr Be'eri's car being attacked by half a dozen or more children, hurling
rocks at his car. The video shows Mr Be'eri try to avoid the rocks and the children
throwing them but find no way through. What was Mr Be'eri supposed to do when faced with boys throwing rocks at his car, with himself and his young son inside? Was he supposed to stop? If he did stop what do the Palestinians and their mouthpieces in the BBC think would have happened to him and his child? If he had stopped would the Palestinian boys have stopped the stoning of his car? Why? Put yourself in this situation what would you do? Would you stop, so leaving your child and yourself vulnerable to attack, or would you try to get away?

'Mr Be'eri is the chairman of the right-wing Elad organisation which promotes Jewish settlement in Arab East Jerusalem, which has been occupied by Israel since 1967.' For how long has East Jerusalem been 'Arab'? Has it ever been 'Jewish'? To borrow a phrase much used by the BBC about Islamic claims on cities, Jerusalem is the holiest city in Judaism.

'He said his car was surrounded by a crowd of youths with rocks and he only hit them while trying to flee the area in fear of his life.' Isn't that what the video shows? Why not show the video so people can see what happened? Is the fact that the BBC do not show the video indicative that they know what really happened and that the video shows where culpability lies and so are hiding the truth from those people who rely on the BBC for their world news?

'Mr Be'eri was released on police bail after being questioned.' So there is rule of law in Israel; how about in the Palestinian Territories?

'His supporters in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, said the incident highlighted what they said was the Palestinian tactic of using children to terrorise local communities.' And does the history of violence after Muslim Friday afternoon prayers not support this?

'Hit and run' Nice heading there by the BBC, using this emotive phrase to support the view of the Palestinian father.

'The father of one of the boys said his son didn't have time to get out of the way as the car sped towards him and another boy, both of whom needed hospital treatment for their injuries.' Watch the video, do any of the children seem to be trying to get out of the way? And even if they are does that excuse the ambushing of a man in a car?

'Muhammad Mansur said that when he saw the pictures of the boy hitting the car's windscreen, he was amazed his son survived.' I am not that surprised, I don't think Mr Be'eer was driving that fast at the point of impact; he seemed to have come round the corner at an appropriate speed and slowed when attacked. At that speed I would expect a fit healthy boy, one strong enough to hurl rocks at a car to survive with some minor injuries. can anyone doubt that these injuries are less than those that Me Be'eer and his child would have experienced had the ambushers succeeded in stopping his car?

'The Palestinian Authority condemned what it called a "hit and run crime" and called on Israel to ensure that settlers should not be above the law.' This would be the peace loving Palestinian Authority whose head (Chairman Mahmoud Abbass) only a few weeks ago pledged "if a Palestinian Authority state is created in Judea and Samaria, no Israeli citizen will be allowed to set foot inside.... "I will never allow a single Israeli to live among us on Palestinian land,”. This would be the same wise and law abiding Palestinian Authority that allows anti-Israel hate to permeate its airwaves?

'Two weeks ago, a young Palestinian man was killed in Silwan by an Israeli security guard, who was later released.' What actually happened in this case? It reads as though an Israeli security guard just killed a young Palestinian man, is that correct? from what I know of the case it seems that the Israeli security guard was ambushed by a group of Palestinian men and shot one in making his escape. What would the BBC suggest he should have done? maybe let the gang of Palestinians kill him? Why do the BBC want to take away the use of self-defence by any Israeli? Do the BBC prefer the 1930-1945 European Jew, defenceless and going quietly to the death chambers to a Jew willing to fight back? To the BBC is the only good Jew a meek and mild Jew?

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