
Friday 8 October 2010

Sadiq Khan - a question

The BBC are quite ecstatic that Sadiq Khan has been elected to Ed Miliband's Shadow Cabinet, their pen portrait of him runs thus:
'One of the most high profile Muslim MPs, Sadiq Khan was an early backer of Ed Miliband to be Labour leader and went on to run his campaign. Before becoming an MP for Tooting, in South London, in 2005 he was a leading human rights solicitor and chairman of pressure group Liberty. He is a former government whip, local government minister and transport minister, who was promoted to shadow transport secretary when Lord Adonis stood down after the 2010 general election. Leading light in Labour think tanks The Fabian Society and Progress. A supporter of Liverpool FC and Surrey County Cricket club, Mr Khan also turns out for the Parliamentary football team.'

Now almost every article I have ever read about Sadiq Khan refers to him being a Muslim and his Wikipedia entry includes this: 'In 2009, he became the first Muslim in British history to attend the cabinet when he was appointed as Minister of State for Transport'.

However I have also read a comment in the New Statesman that:
'Sadiq Khan is NOT Muslim. He's agnostic, with a Muslim background.

Question Time on BBC1, David Dimbleby turned to Khan and referred to him as a Muslim. Khan replied "Actually I'm agnostic" and carried on with his answer.'
Did this happen, is there video anywhere?

It is interesting as Muslim Aid and MPAC certainly regard Sadiq Khan as a Muslim.

So is Sadiq Khan a Muslim or an agnostic? I wonder about this because the Sharia Law punishment for a Muslim who leaves the faith, commits apostasy, is death.

So (assuming he did say it) was Sadiq Khan telling the truth when he said he was not a Muslim but an agnostic and if so why have the death threats from outraged Muslims not poured forth or was he not being entirely straight with Question Time, or is there another explanation?

UPDATE: Thanks to 'Anonymous' there appears to be another explanation: Sadiq Khan explains:
'Question Time
Friday, 23 July 2010 09:59

I really enjoyed my maiden appearance on Question Time in Hartlepool. I haven't seen the programme yet but got some really postive comments. However, I understand from my mum that I may have said on the programme that I was agnostic!

I certainly am not and can't recall saying that. I do recall getting into a heated exchange with Nigel Farage MEP about the idea of politicians telling women what they can and cant wear in the context of "banning the nikab". I think David Dimbleby asked my personal view as a Muslim. I meant to say (and thought I did say) I am agnostic about whether women should wear the nikab or not. My point was it's not for me, as a male politician, to tell women what to wear - let alone legislate to ban or criminalise it.


And for the avoidance of doubt, I am not agnostic about my faith!'

I would like to see the video itself to see what Sadiq Khan actually said, rather than read what he 'meant to say', any sources?


  1. This answers your question:

  2. The actual video is here at about 4.30

  3. Hey, muslims are allowed to lie, "Al Taquia" , it is part of being a muslim,
    Guido has this to say

    5 Things You Should Know About the Shadow Justice Secretary

    Sadiq Khan has somewhat controversially been made the Shadow Justice Secretary by Red Ed. He was also put in charge of constitutional and political reform, which is ironic. A relative unknown before his promotion there are all sorts of mysteries about the man that Guido feels need some light shedding on them…

    * Did you know that Khan has been exposed three times for fiddling his expenses, even after the public outcry last year? Using a thief to catch thief?
    * Did you know that five members of Khan’s family and various clients belonged to fundamentalist group Hizb ut-Tahrir? Something he called “irrelevant” and “trivial” Well they must be proud of his line of work…
    * Did you know Khan got the bent copper Ali Dizaei off the hook. He was later jailed in Wandsworth Prison, in Khan’s own constituency.
    * Did you know Khan tried to join the defence team of Zacarias Moussaoui, the only person convicted of the 9/11 attacks. The US government refused him clearance. As they did over a Guantanamo suspect’s trial. What do the Americans know about Khan?
    * Did you know Khan voted for post office closures at 7pm in Parliament and spoke out against closures at 8pm in a public meeting in his constituency? What was that about two faced liars…

    Come back next week for five more facts that raise serious questions about the new Labour leader’s judgement…


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