
Saturday 6 November 2010

Brainwashing the next generation about green issues especially man made climate change

Nick Duerden in The Independent has written a good piece on the brainwashing of the nation's children about green issues and the encouragement for them to use 'pester power' to change the habits of their parents. Please read the whole piece but here are a few extracts:
'After her second day at school, my four-year-old daughter sat me down at the kitchen table for a conversation. She wanted me to explain exactly how I take her to school each morning.

"It's not by car, is it?" she said.

I confirmed to her that, no, it wasn't by car.

"We go by bicycle when daddy is running late; otherwise we walk," I told her.

"Good," she replied.

I asked why.

"Cars are bad."

I learned later that upon arrival at her reception class each day pupils have to tick a box on a piece of paper denoting how they journeyed to school that morning. Though they are never told in quite so many words that cars are actually bad, they are nevertheless steered, by their eco-aware teacher, towards the two former modes of transport – because cycling and walking are both environmentally friendly, and environmentally friendly, as my daughter appears already to know, is "good".


Friends who have children older than my own have told me this is just the tip of an iceberg which (so long as the iceberg doesn't inconveniently melt due to global warming) will continue to grow as she does.

"Mine told me to turn off the hoover the other day," a father said to me, "because it used too much energy. She also stands by me while I brush my teeth, to make sure I have the tap turned off while I'm doing it."

This, I know now, is pester power in action. And in a world where we must all become more green aware, it is children who are at the very forefront of the movement, children who collectively soak up all the information like the sponges they are, before disseminating it in a manner that, rather winningly, brooks no argument.

In the UK today, more than 67 per cent of schools have now signed up to the Eco-Schools Programme.


But pester power is not without its share of controversies. Not all -parents, after all, necessarily want their children at such a young age to get on such a high horse, not least when an increasing number of people are starting to feel that the purported realities of global warming have been exaggerated, perhaps for politically motivated reasons.

"Not all parents appreciate the message," Andrew Suter says, "and, yes, we do occasionally encounter scepticism. But our response to that is simply to say that all we are really doing is encouraging children to care about the world around them, and to do positive things in it. Nobody, surely, could have an issue with that."

He concludes, pointedly, by saying that children themselves have yet to question the veracity of climate change, "chiefly because they are children. They are not cynical yet." '
I think more cynicism about man made climate change is needed.


  1. I think that as a parent, I would explain to the children, that many other things are just as environmentally unfriendly, in particular mobile phones, calculators, computers, etc.
    They all need electricity and we should be saving electricity if we can manage without it. Mobile phones also cause radiation which is obviously harmful and calculators are unnecessary as children should be capable of doing any calculation required at school either in their heads or on a piece of paper. And they can walk to the library to read some books instead of using the internet. I think the thought of going without some of these things because of the environment might change their minds!
    I'll try this line with my grandson in due course.

  2. As that arch-greenie Herr Hitler said.

    “Your child belongs to us already… What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.”

    Whilst there are good reasons for not wasting power, I only hope the whole AGW edifice comes tumbling down, exposing its lies - but I'm not hopeful.


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