
Friday 26 November 2010

Five questions that I don't think I will get an answer to (further update)

I have replied to Mary Honeyball on her blog, as below, I wonder if she will be so kind as to answer them?

Thank you very much for your answers to my five questions, most illuminating. I have some follow-ups if you don't mind as I think you have left a few parts  unaddressed. If I repeat all of the original questions and answers as well as my requests for illumination this message will become far too long so I have summarised:

1) re Interest rates if UK had joined Euro a few years ago
A good answer - thank you

2) re interest rates if UK joined EU soon
A good answer however you have not mentioned that by joining the Euro the UK would lose its freedom to set interest rates to suit its economic conditions and not those of a collection of other countries

3) re future cds spreads
An interesting answer - thank you

4) re your economics qualifications.
I am sorry but that is not an answer to my question but an attack on bankers. Are you saying  that because most bankers, along with almost all politicians,  did not foresee the economic problems that were brewing,  a knowledge of economics is a liability, or at least not useful in this area?  I ask again what are your qualifications in economics? You must have some good background knowledge to have answered points 1,2 & 3 so ably?

5) re a future referendum on joining The Euro.
Mary Honeyball do you really think that that is really an adequate answer? 'I would follow the line of the Labour party on this issue.' I hesitate to use the parental cliche but 'If the Labour Party told you to jump off a cliff would you?' At what point would you stop following Labour party instructions? You want the UK to join the Euro, so I suppose the question really is if the benefits of joining the Euro are so obvious do you believe that the people should be able to decide such matters?

Mary Honeyball, do please answer my follow-up questions as I think we really are making some progress'

I will report back.


  1. Great stuff. Now you have her attention, keep badgering ... though she does tend to stop publishing comments if they consistently disagree with her. ;)

  2. Oddly enough she has not published a very polite and short chasing post. Maybe she is preparing a full answer to my follow-up questions...


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