
Tuesday 11 January 2011

Complaining to the BBC and their partial replies (part 3)

I have had a reply to my complaint regarding the bias in the way the BBC reports isolated comments made by extremist Israelis and the far more common often genocidal comments made by Palestinian secular and religious leaders. Here is the reply that I have received:
'Dear Notasheep,

I've tried to reply to your specific questions as well as I can.

If you wish to take the matter further please write to: Editorial Complaints Unit, Room 5170, White City, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TS or you can e-mail the Unit at the address:, but please note that complaints submitted via e-mail must include a postal address as ECU findings are sent by letter.

Best regards,

Tarik Kafala
Middle East editor
BBC News website '
So Tarik Kafala refuses to answer my point and wants me to move on to the ECU. I will try one more time with Mr Kafala:
'You have not addressed my specific questions as you have ignored my last email completely. Try answering just the one point that I think gets to the heart of the matter:

You say that 'To report the shrill and extreme statements of some of the Hamas firebrands is therefore misleading. ' Yet the BBC were happy to report the extreme statements of one firebrand Israeli Rabbi. Why is it 'misleading' to report the words of 'Hamas firebrands' but not those of an Israeli firebrand? Does the BBC apply different standards to the speeches of Israeli and Palestinian 'firebrands'?



I wonder if I can tempt Mr Kafala to actually answer a question or will I have to move on to the Editorial Complaints Unit?

1 comment:

  1. Incredible ! Or, actually, maybe not !
    I suspect Tarik is afraid to give you an answer in case he upsets his bosses.
    I think I would try the ECU who may pass it up even further !


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