
Tuesday 1 February 2011

BBC choose not to report Palestinian shelling of Israel, presumably they will report any retaliation

JPost reports that:
'The relative calm in the South was shattered on Monday night when Palestinians in Gaza fired a barrage of powerful Grad rockets and mortar shells at the western Negev.

One Grad-type rocket fired from Gaza smashed into the town of Ofakim and a second rocket slammed into Netivot, not far from a building where a wedding celebration was taking place.


Meanwhile, the Eshkol Regional Council reported a mortar attack originating from Gaza. The shell landed in an open area.'
But on the BBC Middle East news page not a word -

I presume that the BBC will only report the shelling as a detail in a headline making report about any Israel retaliation. This BBC article will include the information that Israel is occupying Palestinian land illegally despite the fact that the western Negev is part of Israel.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks - we'd never have known if not for free minds like yours via the Internet.
    Can anybody take the BBC seriously as a news information service? We used to get more real hard news in 15 minutes in the black & white 1960s than we get from today's cherry-picked & spoon-fed offerings.
    They should get rid of all the analysts (read "vested interests") "explaining" and dissecting the news for us and give us "just the facts ma'am". But we are considered brainless proles who can't think for ourselves.


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