
Tuesday 22 February 2011

'The growing intolerance of any dissenting opinion - a hallmark of the Left, as my colleagues Ed West and Dan Hannan never tire of pointing out - is deeply unsettling, and always one-sided.'

Milo Yiannopoulos in The Telegraph thinks that '
Twitter is a playground for spiteful Lefty bullies' - 'Well durrr' as the youth say!

Milo wrote this column after appearing on the 10 o'clock show, a Channel 4 show so left wing that I have managed to watch it just the once and can see no reason to raise my blood pressure again by watching another instalment of smug lefties joking with other smug lefties and 'humorously' insulting anyone who doesn't share their world view. Milo seems surprised at the Twitter responses he got to his appearance:
'A charity worker near where I live expressed her desire to, in her words, cut me up. One man recommended - in capital letters, just in case I thought he was joking - that I share my next bath with a toaster. (Stop laughing at the back!) A woman in Leicester went further, saying she wanted to kill me herself. The level of personal invective was staggering, and it left me... well, pretty depressed, if I'm honest. '
I am not at all surprised; the intolerance and hatred expressed by many on the left for anyone who dares to disagree with them and their set views is well-known. I have been the victim of quite a few nasty remarks when I dare to express my opinions in public, whilst I am required to sit quietly whilst friends express the most ridiculous lefty views.

Milo continues:
'The growing intolerance of any dissenting opinion - a hallmark of the Left, as my colleagues Ed West and Dan Hannan never tire of pointing out - is deeply unsettling, and always one-sided. Activist thugs on Twitter can regularly be observed making appalling remarks about, for example, Margaret Thatcher. What would happen if said I was looking forward to raping and suffocating a female politician before dancing on her grave? (I know that sounds appallingly extreme, but I've seen each of those "jokes" made about the former Prime Minister.)'
The attitude of, often, pure hatred towards Margaret Thatcher amazes me. The left have no problem idolising Che Guevara, a man who killed or ordered the killing of thousands of Cubans, and praising Fidel Castro who has been responsible for the deaths of ten of thousands, but Margaret Thatcher is 'that evil woman'!

1 comment:

  1. Socialism is a form of social pathology, is it any wonder that its supporters display pathological behavior.


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