
Sunday 27 March 2011

Three surprising things you probably didn't know about Islam.

A fascinating and well put together video that covers some of what I know and some that I did not. The charity example quoted near the end I have not verified.

'A group calling themselves "White Roses" created this video to inform non-Muslims about Islam. The name of this video is "Three Things About Islam."

White Roses is headquartered in Sweden. The name "White Roses" is based on a student resistance group "Die weiße Rose" in Nazi Germany. The group became known for an anonymous leaflet campaign, from June 1942 until February 1943, which called for active opposition to Adolf Hitler's regime.'


  1. Wow! That's a truly frightening video about the fight we have ahead to prevent the expansion of this awfulness.
    So, so-called peaceful Muslims are either not following their own religious edicts, or just being deceitful to achieve hidden aims. I was concerned before, now I'm really worried, especially since appeasers like Blair have opened the door to this cancer.

  2. "The charity example quoted near the end I have not verified"

    Would it not have been wiser to confirm this before posting? Do the research yourself, it says. How about it notasheep - fancy doing some actual spadework yourself?

    If I've ever seen a video more empty-headed and lacking in fact, it was probably the last BNP party political broadcast I saw. It's interesting to note that the video doesn't quote any passages to back up the spurious statements contained therein. Comes from an organisation based in Sweden? Funny that... not exactly the most integrated lot are they, as much as I adore and have visited many parts of the country.

    It's a bit rich suggesting that the Qur'an has to be taken literally when there are millions who believe the Bible should be treated in the same manner. There's as much to be disliked about Christian missionaries taking advantage of African nations as there is about Sharia law.

    Seriously, there's about as many Muslims who follow the Qur'an literally as there are Christians who do the same with the Bible.

    I would seriously question the posting of this video - your blind faith is extremely worrying.

  3. Oh dear you're back.

    Which parts of the video are untrue? Is the supercession or abrogration rule incorrect? Is the instruction to spread Sharia worldwide untrue? Is the videos explanation of Islam's stated incompatibility with democracy wrong? Is the description of Islamic punishments for homosexuality and adultery wrong? Are Sharia's punishments for criticisng the Koran or for apostasy not as stated? Is the video's descdription of Taqqiya incorrect?

    Do you want example verses from the Koran; why not do a bit pof 'spadework' yourself. You could start by looking on this blog where I have quoted examples before; you do know how to use Google I presume?

    How do you know the relative numbers of Muslims and Christians who follow their Holy Books? Are you sure the numbers are about the same? I would suggest that you are very wrong on this point.

    As to your point about Sweden; I must discount evidence from that country because they have integration problems, must I?

    You are worried by my 'blind faith'? If I were you I would be more worried by your blinkered views and inability to accept evidence, preferring to believe what is comfortable and easy.

    As for the charity example that I queried. I have done some research and guess what? It would appear to be true. But I am sure you knew that and just thought you'd check that I did.

  4. Well said Not a sheep!

    But I wonder why you bother with "Anon" - anyone unwilling to put a name to their comments, whether positive or not, deserves to be ignored.


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