
Thursday 24 March 2011

Two Israel updates

1) Israelly Cool wants to thank Louise Bagshawe but also includes this anecdote and comment:
'Here is an extract from the transcript after the call provided by Tundra Tabloids:
Question: How difficult was it for you after seeing that carnage committed by a terrorist then treat Palestinians. I realize that you’re a professional, but the next time you have to treat a Palestinian…
Answer: I tell you the next time I have to treat a Palestinian, was the day after that, and you know who I got to treat? One of the people they captured for committing the terrorist attacks. He was arrested for being a part of the plan or something like that.
When he was in custody he had an attack of chronic bronchitis, he suffers from chronic bronchitis, and he had a massive attack with a shortness of breath, and this is something that is potentially deadly, people die from that. The only thing that I did was to be as professional as I can be, you don’t think of what he did, or what he could do in the future, you need to be 100% focused, because unless you can do that, you’re in the wrong business. I treated him as best as I could and he survived this massive attack of bronchitis.
First point: shortly after the attack the Ma’aan “news agency” threw out an absolute lie that the brutal butchering of this family may have been carried out by a disgruntled Thai worker who hadn’t been paid. They “reported” that Israeli security forces were rounding up Thai and other foreign workers in Itamar. This is an outrageous lie: there are verifiably no Thai workers in Itamar, the Fogel’s owed no money and, most obviously of all, Thai people (except for those in the Muslim south of Thailand who have been waging an incessant Jihad for years) do not de-humanise themselves to the point where they can butcher sleeping babies.

While not directly reporting this as fact, the UK’s Daily Mail unconscionably printed this lie by publishing a letter putting the theory forward. They should be ashamed of themselves.
Edi’s interview above just puts the nail into this outrageous attempt to deflect blame by the PA’s official mouth piece.

But the second point is, of course, this man treating someone like this medically instead of beating him to a bloody pulp as the world expects the brutal, occupying forces of the IDF to be doing all over Israel. That’s just not what we do here in Israel.'

2) JPost reports that:
'Rockets landed in and north of Ashdod on Thursday afternoon, and sirens were heard in Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gedera and Gan Yavne. Another rocket landed in the Eshkol Regional Council, the eight rocket attack since Thursday morning.'
Am I alone in wondering if Palestinian terrorists are trying to provoke an Israeli attack? But why? I have a theory but more of that later...

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