
Sunday 10 April 2011

Anjem Choudary is 'outraged'

I read this morning that Anjem Choudary is outraged. Oddly, so far as I know, he is not outraged at the video I found at Creeping Sharia of homosexuals being burned alive in Iraq, watch the video only if you have a strong stomach. No Anjem Choudary is outraged that he has been permanently banned from entering France. It seems that the French government have a rather better idea of who should be welcome to enter their country than the British government. For whilst France have now banned the former head of the outlawed group Islam4UK from entering France to protest at the 'burkha ban' the British government allow him to reside in the UK. Whilst the French government have decided that former membership of banned groups Islam4UK and Al-Muhajiroun, the latter which he jointly led with Omar Bakri Mohammed.

Anjem Choudary is outraged that the French government have banned him from entering France, I am outraged that the British government allow Anjem "We will only rest when the flag of Islam flies everywhere" Choudary to stay in this country.

Here are some comments made previously by Anjem Choudary, maybe you can see why his continued presence in this country should be considered conducive the public good, I cannot:
"Islam is not a religion of peace," he said. "It is a religion of submission. We need to submit to the will of Allah."

It is our religious obligation to prepare ourselves both physically and mentally and rise up against Muslim oppression and take what is rightfully ours," he said. "Jihad is a duty and a struggle and an obligation that lies upon the shoulders of us all. We will not rest until the flag of Allah and the flag of Islam is raised above 10 Downing Street."

"As Muslims, we will not submit to any man-made law, any government, or any prime minister - Bush or Brown - or [to] Jacqui Smith. We submit to Allah."

"It is our religious obligation to prepare ourselves both physically and mentally and rise up against Muslim oppression and take what is rightfully ours... Jihad is a duty and a struggle and an obligation that lies upon the shoulders of us all. We will not rest until the flag of Allah and the flag of Islam is raised above 10 Downing Street."

"When we say innocent people we mean Muslims, as far as non-Muslims are concerned they have not accepted Islam and as far as we are concerned that is a crime against God... As far as Muslims are concerned, you are innocent if you are a Muslim, then you are innocent in the eyes of God. If you are a non-Muslim then you are guilty of not believing in God... I must have hatred to anything that is not Islam"

Remember that last comment the next time some Islamist radical says that Islam forbids the killing of 'innocents'. They do not consider anyone non-Muslim to be innocent, we are legitimate targets. I find that notion offensive, indeed I am outraged.

For comments made by others at a meeting introduced by Anjem Choudary, take a look here. Here's an extract so you can See what we are not dealing with:
'But the most provocative was student leader Abu Rumaysah, who spoke to the crowd as if they were trainee terrorists. "Delete unnecessary material from your computers, take precautions not to attract attention to yourself and prepare your family for [police] raids," he said. He added that they should support the families of Muslims who were arrested and that Islam will only take over the UK if Muslims are proactive and enforce Sharia law in their own communities.

"Women need to be covered up, men lashed for fornication [outside marriage] and hands cut off for theft and breaking Sharia law," he said.'

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