
Wednesday 27 April 2011

Denis MacShane at it again

A Tweet this morning from Denis MacShane all but too my breath away:
'Time for public inquiry into why M Howarrd + SPAD Dave let in so many jihadi Islamists to live/preach violence in Londonistan up to 97?'
I'll let the replies posted by me and others speak for themselves:
' NotaSheep MaybeaGoat
@ Absolutely so, I presume you will also support one into Labour's massive increase in immigration post 1997?
Gareth Anderson
@ @ I assume therefore that Blair and Jack Straw sorted all of that out after 97? Or just a cheap party point?'
Denis MacShane's chutzpah truly is astounding. Does he not realise what the Labour did to increase immigration 'to rub the right's face in diversity'?

Later on Denis MacShane maybe realised that even he couldn't be as blindly partisan as he had been and managed to Tweet this:
'Labour post 97 as bad as Howard on blind eye to Islamist infiltration. Nly got fired as min in 03 for denouncing this. Only chngd aftr 7/7'
Perhaps he could explain how policy substantially changed after 7/7 and also whether he thinks the government which he supported should apologise to the country for their woeful record on combating Islamic extremism in the UK.


  1. Disappointed that you seem to be going along with this absurd idea that a quivering lipped apology by these shameless transgressors makes everything alright. The only time I want to hear the words 'I'm sorry' from these bastards is when the Judge asks them if they have anything to say before he passes sentence.

  2. I have been away for almost 2 months, but I see McShane is still a wanker.

  3. Hi there Grant - long time since you commented here, I was getting worried if you were OK! How was the trip?

  4. Many thanks Mr. Goat. I ended up staying a few weeks longer than intended and very reluctant to leave. It is more of a culture shock being back in the UK. Many problems for the Gambians , but somehow they laugh and smile their way through it in their usual way.
    For example, their lunatic President has just raised income tax from 20% to 35% with immediate effect. No personal allowances in Gambia.
    Then I come back to the UK and hear people whining about nothing !
    He has also imposed an airport departure tax for everyone of £15. I have never heard of an airport departure tax. Boy do the tourists love that !
    I could go on, but none of it affects me personally much except vicariously.
    Missed your blog , though !

  5. Airport departure taxes are not uncommon in Caribbean, still hurt though! Glad to have you back...

  6. How many MPs are not blindly partisan?
    However, in his defence, he is a member of Labour friends of Israel, chaired the parliamentary all-party committee on anti-semitism - and has written a book on it - and is signed up to the Henry Jackson Society and Just Journalism. Also chairs a European anti-semitism think tank.
    Re Melanie Phillips' open letter re BBC bias: have you had a reply from the BBC following your complaints?

  7. I know about the good side of denis MacShan and it is the fact that he can be so right on some matters and so so wrong on others that is kost infuriating.

    I have had no correspondence from BBC for quite a while on any of my open complaints. I will chase them when I have some time to do so.

  8. Gerard: I don't accept his apology and indeed hate the idea that an spology makes everything OK. However I thought it right to report it.

  9. Thanks for your kind words , Mr. Goat !


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