
Wednesday 11 May 2011

Another example of how the BBC describe right of centre views

From the BBC's PMQ's feed:
'1244: Fraser Nelson, of the Tory-supporting Spectator magazine, says David Cameron has been a success largely because he picked up where Tony Blair left off with public service reform.'
Are guests from the New Statesman ever described as being from a Labour-supporting
magazine? I don't ever recall one being so described. What about Guardian journalists or Poly Toynbee etc.?


  1. a) Don't tell me what to do on my blog

    b) How often are New Statesman journalists described as working for a Labour supporting publication?

    c) Ditto re Guardian journalists?

    I presume you are the same anonymous commenter who pops in now and again. If so do me a favour and pop away...

  2. Mr. Goat,
    Note the intolerance of Anonymous lefties !
    If he really doubts BBC bias, he just needs to visit to be re-educated.
    Carry on posting anything you like here.
    No censorship on the internet !

  3. As it's your blog why don't you do your own research and answer points b and c yourself? I've given you a little start with that link, so rather than say you "don't recall", try and do some work for a change, or would that expose your blog for what it really is?

  4. Anon: I know the answers to b) and c) - never in my recollection. If you know differently then do tell otherwise please go away.

    NCF unless you provide proof that the BBC describe New Statesman as Labour supporting.

  5. Grant: Thanks. I think this is the same anonymous individual who comes here from time to time. He/she/it usually loses interest when they realise that I am not going to rise to their, rather rancid, bait.

  6. Anonymong actually has a point. A Google search shows the BBC does regularly refer to the "Labour supporting Mirror", but the problem with the Guardian is that they switched their endorsement to the Lib Dems at the last election.

  7. It is quite pathetic really, when the evidence of BBC bias is so utterly irrefutable.
    Anonymous cowards don't usually have the guts to post on BBBC.
    All credit to lefties like Dez and Scottie who, at least, enter the debate there, sort of !

  8. The Mirror, is that the only one? Actually I stopped asking about The Guardian partly for that reason but mainly because Spectatoe & New Statesman are similar magazines rather than newspapers.

  9. Anon: One link does not a pattern make. ..... Actually I can't be bothered arguing with you and so breaking my promise to myself, so once again - please go away. oh and NCF.

  10. Mr Goat,

    Allcomments seem to have disappeared from this thread ? Is it my computer ? or what ?

  11. All comments seem to have disappeared from this thread. Is it my computer or ... ?

  12. Looks like the Blogger problem has affected posted comments. On the plus side that means that my anonymous commenter's comments have disappeared as well! I wish he/she would as well...

  13. Quite,

    There seem to have been quite a few problems with Google over the last few days. Very annoying !!!


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