
Friday 20 May 2011

Happy Anniversary NotaSheep

Actually I missed my own anniversary, which fell on the 7th May - I blame work.

I started this blog in 2007 and never dreamt that four years later it would be such a large part of my life. I have 'met' many interesting people as a result of my blogging and made a few cyber-friends as well. Hopefully I will be able to continue blogging for a good few years more...

Here's what I wrote in my first post:
'Where to begin?

One of the first subjects that made me realise that the Beeb wasn't the source of impartial information that I had been lead to believe it was, was its coverage of the EEC/EU. The unquestioning support of the European Project started out as an annoyance but as I read more about how the EU functioned and aggregated power to itself at the expense of its constituent countries governments, I began to realise that I was being fed a politically biased line. This feeling was exacerbated during the 1990s as the BBC used Europe as a stick with which to beat the hated (by the BBC at least) Conservative government. '
It looks as though litle has changed since 2007 as regarding my feelings re the BBC or indeed the EU!


  1. Congratulations

  2. Work again !!
    Congratulations and let's hope for at least another 4 years, unlike Obama.
    How appropriate that your first post was about the wretched BBC and EU !

  3. PS,
    Word verification "Quine" which is Doric ( north-east Scotland dialect ) for "woman", another welcome aspect of your blog !


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