
Saturday 25 June 2011

Another Obama misspeak that the mainstream media will ignore

From Black Five
'The President addressing the 10th Mountain Division today at Fort Drum:

"First time I saw 10th Mountain Division, you guys were in southern Iraq. When I went back to visit Afghanistan, you guys were the first ones there. I had the great honor of seeing some of you because a comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously."

As we all know, SSG Sal Giunta, of the 173rd Airborne, was the first living recipient (2011) of the MOH who fought in Iraq/Afganistan. SFC Jared Monti, 10th Mountain Division, was KIA in Afghanistan in 2006. He was posthumously awarded the MOH by Obama in 2009.

How does the Commander-in-Chief mix these heroes up? He put that medal around Giunta's neck and he stood with Monti's parents as they grieved. These fallen heroes leave such a great legacy, and we should know all their names. The ironic part of the speech, and this comes after the announcement of the politically pressured drawdown of troops in Afghanistan, was Obama's closing remark, "Know that your Commander-in-Chief has your back."

It shouldn't take a teleprompter for the C-in-C to get it right.'
And Theo Spark has the video...

I have blogged many of Barack Obama's misspeaks that the MSM have ignored; totally unlike the way they obsessed over every slip of George W. Bush's tongue and still do re Sarah Palin. I don't think I ever noticed the BBC report Barack Obama's 57 states comment or his putting 2008 not 2011 next to his signature when visiting Westminster Abbey.

For those of you who rely on the BBC or other Oabama worshipping media for you news, here's some video that you might have missed...

How many states Barack, how many? But George W. Bush is the idiot and Barack Obama the genius sent to save us?

Don't forget example that the BBC seemed to miss:
Apparently Barack Obama said the following during a recent interview:
"Throughout our history, America's confronted constantly evolving danger, from the oppression of an empire, to the lawlessness of the frontier, from the bomb that fell on Pearl Harbor, to the threat of nuclear annihilation. Americans have adapted to the threats posed by an ever-changing world."
"The bomb" that fell on Pearl Harbor? Does he know anything about the history of the "57 states" of America? Where does he claim to have been raised? Hawaii?
Ah but that Barack Obama is a great orator; really?

But he has a lawyer-like management of facts; really?
From June 2008:

'"And, you know, let's take the example of Guantanamo. What we know is that, in previous terrorist attacks -- for example, the first attack against the World Trade Center, we were able to arrest those responsible, put them on trial. They are currently in U.S. prisons, incapacitated."

Quite right, who could argue? Well there is just one tiny flaw in Barack Obama's argument; the 1993 World Trade Center bomb-builder was one Abdul Rahman Yasin and he fled the United States after the bombing, to live as Saddam Hussein's guest in Baghdad, Iraq. He disappeared during the US lead invasion and is still at large and very much wanted by the FBI.

So did the US arrest those responsible for the 1993 attack? NO
Did the US put them on trial? No
Are they in US prisons, incapacitated? No

He's dynamite with facts this Barack Obama isn't he?

Can we expect any UK media coverage of this? Not on the BBC that's for sure.'

 Will we ever read Mark Mardell or any of his colleagues discussing Barack Obama's mistakes? Somehow I think not.

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