
Sunday 5 June 2011

Has the time come to actively oppose David Cameron?

The more I hear David Cameron witter, the more I realise that he is no better a Prime Minister than Tony Blair was. Witness the lack of intellectual honesty he regularly displays and his regular twisting in the wind of public opinion. Three prime examples being his refusal to stand up to the EU, his abandonment of his principles over support for Israel and his inability to see the truth about climate change. These are all good reasons why David Cameron is moving, in my mind, from being a possible good thing as PM to being almost certainly terrible PM.

I vehemently opposed Blair and Brown, do I have to start to do the same to Cameron?


  1. Cameron has demonstrated quite clearly that his principal modus operandai is the path of least resistance because his overriding aim is to remain in power for its own sake. In the various jobs I've held over the years I have seen chancers such as this time after time and they are beyond redemption.

    He could be held to account by some in his party but they fail to do so as well because their aim is to protect their place at the trough. The threats to that place come from one of two places. The party machine if you do not follow their lead or the electorate if you do not do what they want. The electorate is little threat at the moment because it is fragmented and not interested. So they react to the power of the party threat.

    It would appear voting for the tories no matter how much you might despise what the others have done is pointless because you will not get what you believe needs to happen.

    It is time to abandon old notions of what you feel a party will stand for. My view is that we need to start to copy the Tea Party where there isn't a party but local chapters holding their MP to account and lobbying for them to do our biddging once again. Once that pressure is obvious to them we will start to see some change. If we push for the power of recalling our MP's as we were promised we would begin to put ourselves back in the driving seat.

    Forget Cameron, he is a lost cause and maybe he always was.

  2. Camoron is the true heir to B.liar.Both are committed snake oil salesmen.

  3. Mr. Goat,
    I too, if not having had high hopes, at least expected some change.
    Of course, no-one could be as bad as Brown or even Blair, but David Cameron is a big disappointment as is William Hague.
    My disillusionment with British politicians is complete.


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