
Wednesday 15 June 2011

I think someone may have 'issues'.

My recent piece about buses and fare dodgers has attracted a negative comment:
'Anonymous said...
Well that is what I woud expect of whiny little englanders of your ilk, rather a fare dogder than a tory, rightwing, wine-swilling coporate eye-kisser, or equally as bad, a swill-eating cocaine snorting pig banker. Instead of whining about not wanting to do anything and then expect the moon on a stick like a 3year old, grow up, get involved in the Human Community, and make things better so that people can earn enough money (yes a decent wage)so we can properly pay for our fares. The can't do/won't do atitude you display is the reason why the world is in the shape it is. So for the the sake of all Human kind stop your Liberterian/reganite/thatcherite bleeting.'
Let's take another look at that well thought out comment:
'Well that is what I woud expect of whiny little englanders of your ilk, rather a fare dogder than a tory, rightwing, wine-swilling coporate eye-kisser, or equally as bad, a swill-eating cocaine snorting pig banker.'
Lovely use of the word 'ilk' but I would prefer Englander to start with a capital letter, probably something to do with being a little Englander I suppose. I could also comment on the punctuation problems being exhibited but that might take a long time, so I'll just restrict myself to suggesting 'anonymous' acquaints himself/herself with the semicolon. Now what is an 'eye-kisser'? I have heard of arse-kissing and that makes sense in that clause but 'eye-kisser'; how would that even work? It is interesting that anonymous calls me both a 'tory' (I think that should probably be 'Tory' but I suppose using the shift key is beyond 'anonymous') and 'rightwing' (or should that be 'right-wing'); I wonder which is worse? Interesting that my commenter manages to hyphenate 'wine-swilling', it's just a shame that that dig is so far from the mark. As for 'swill-eating', I take that personally as both I and Mrs NotaSheep would never eat (let alone cook) 'swill'. As for 'cocaine snorting', I am afraid I have never indulged. Calling me a 'pig' is offensive, especially as I am Jewish. Finally on this paragraph I am not, nor have I ever been, a banker. Moving on to the second line:
'Instead of whining about not wanting to do anything and then expect the moon on a stick like a 3year old, grow up, get involved in the Human Community, and make things better so that people can earn enough money (yes a decent wage)so we can properly pay for our fares.'
I don't know where I whine 'about not wanting to do anything'; odd ideas some people get. What is 'moon on a stick', why or how would I want that; maybe the problem is that I can't remember being three (one to ten should be spelt out, only numbers higher should be in numerals). I like the idea of getting involved in the 'Human Community', is that like the 'Big Society'? Is the line of argument here that people should be allowed to evade fares because the fares are too high in relation to their salaries? If so should everyone be given a car and a house from central funds because not everyone can afford these items. I drive a quite elderly car partly because I cannot afford a new one and partly because I choose not to spend the money, should I be given a new car because my neighbour has one? Nearing the end now:
'The can't do/won't do atitude you display is the reason why the world is in the shape it is.'
I am not sure what 'anonymous' is getting at here; when do I sat I can't or won't do? Mostly I think I complain that not enough of the right thongs are being done whilst too many of the wrong things are being done. Finally we reach the end line:
'So for the the sake of all Human kind stop your Liberterian/reganite/thatcherite bleeting.'
Some very odd usage of capital letters there, let's list them: 'So' - yes  'Human kind' - no - and humankind should be one word or hyphenated but not two words 'Libertarian' - I don't think so 'reganite' - now you could argue that 'Reaganite' should start with a capital letter being as Ronald Reagan was a person but 'anonymous' has written 'reganite'; maybe he/she is thinking of Donald Regan who was Ronald Reagan's Chief of Staff, maybe not 'thatcherite' - see 'reagnite' but at least 'anonymous' managed to spell Thatcher correctly Finally for error-spotting, my 'anonymous' commenter can't even spell bleating correctly. Hold on that's unfair as he/she also can't spell would, dodger, corporate or attitude. Well there's 15 minutes I won't ever see again but then again I feel it was worthwhile!

1 comment:

  1. I would take it as a great compliment to get a comment like that. It proves you are doing something right. Keep up the good work !
    By the way, personally, I am very fond of pigs, intelligent and affectionate animals.


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