
Thursday 23 June 2011

Why can't some lefties answer a question but instead resort to abuse and/or censorship?

Recently I have been in Twitter discussions with @RichSwitch - Rich Williams. @RichSwitch tweeted about #TorySleaze resulting from David Cameron's criticism of run away dads. I pointed out to @RichSwitch that there were plenty of sleazy Labour MPs and Ministers. Anyway the conversation went on a bit, I tweeted:
'@RichSwitch #Torysleaze Archer not in same league as Maxwell. Aitken not even playing same sport as Mandelson.'
'@notasheepagoat: @RichSwitch Once again: define sleaze and was there no Labour sleaze 1997-2010?'
Rcih Williams didn't like my questioning him and amongst his replies (most of which he seems to have deleted, or at least they don't appear in my 'mentions' column any more) was this one:
'@notasheepagoat Like I said, I've made my point. You obviously can't accept it for whatever reason. Typical of Tories.'
That was at 00:25 when I was apparently a Tory.

Anyway I've been hard at work today and what do I find when I get home and log on to TweetDeck?
'@notasheepagoat You're getting a bit hysterical now. Maybe that's why you hide behind an anonymous profile! My guess is you're in the BNP'
I said nothing hysterical but maybe Rich is a little sensitive about Labour sleaze, preferring to think only of Tory sleaze and certainly not define what he means by sleaze. That was at 10:35, so within just over 10 hours I have apparently moved form Tory to BNP, which would be quite a journey.

1 minute later he tweeted this:
'@notasheepagoat If you can't engage in debate without getting personal, people will do to you as I am about to do. Hit block. Cheerio!'
Again I had said nothing personal but I suppose this looks good to Rich's followers, especially as he seems to have deleted most of his tweets to me. So the man who accused me of 'getting personal' when I hadn't then decided to brand me a BNP member; odd how the some people on the left 'think'.

So I am banned from following Rich Williams on Twitter and I doubt that he will come to my blog but in case he does and for the avoidance of doubt - I am not, nor have I ever been, a member of the BNP. I have never voted for the BNP and am about as likely to vote BNP as I am to vote for the Labour party; one party seeming rather racist to me, the other having ruined this Country.

Cheerio Rich, I suppose its easier to correspond only with people who share your world view rather than engage in intelligent discourse - Typical Socialist!


  1. Clear Memories23 June 2011 at 19:24

    “The attacks by the ConDem regime on the pay and conditions of workers and their families must be resisted at all levels. That means everything from supporting strikes to organising local campaigns against closures of community services like libraries, schools and hospitals."

    ".... activists must get behind these actions to defend the standard of living and quality of life for our people. We will not be forced to pay for the mistakes of the politicians and bankers. Agitate, educate and organise!"

    Statements from the loonie left? Maybe the Socialist Workers Party? Milliband, Skinner, perhaps Livingstone?

    No, these statements are lifted direct from the BNP website 21/6/11. So can we finally nail the leftie myth – they are not right-wing fascists, the BNP are a socialist party that believes in nationalisation, import controls and centralised State control.

    When one finally realises what the BNP actually stand for, compares their policies with Labour and looks at the histories of fascism v. communism, then one realises the very, very few differences between them. Hitler killed 7-10 million, Stalin 50 million and Mao, 70 million. Who was the most evil? And why?

    No wonder the BNP are such a bogey to the 'left' - they are all after the same votes. How joyful it must be for them to recognise how close are the beliefs of, say, Jo Brand and Nick Griffin. It strikes me that, if you substitute 'immigrant' for 'class', there is no difference.

    So, how long before we see Griffin welcomed onto the BBC with all the other left-wing slime Dumbledore, Humphries and their fellow hypocrites love so dearly?

  2. I find it ironic that you, notasheep, seem to get upset when people disagree with your posts on this site and point out that you're wrong, yet you seem happy to harass people on Twitter day in, day out. You can't tell someone to clear off and not read your blog and then bitch and whine when someone tells you to do the same....

  3. OK Geoff, show me an example when I have harassed people on Twitter; go on you say I do it 'day in, day out', so show me an example of me harassing someone. I have not told you ro 'clear off and not read (your) my blog'. I have wondered why you 'sully yourself by visiting here' and reassured you that 'I will not miss you if you decide to go elsewhere'.

    Sorry Geoff but it seems that just like Rich WIlliams you seem to recall what you want to recall rather than what actually happened; but hey if it keeps you happy and off the streets who am I to complain?

  4. I point you to every single tweet you send in Denis MacShane's direction, and case closed.

  5. Rich probably thinks there is no Labour sleaze because he gets all his news from the BBC.
    I don't know where you get the patience to deal with nutters like him. Ooops , that's abuse !

  6. Geoff: Case very much not closed. I have not harrassed Denis, I habve simply asked him a very small number of simple questions that he has not answered. If he is too rude to answer a question, I think it only fair to remind him of the questions and the fact that he has not bothered to answer them. If you think that is harrassment then you are a little over-sensitive on Denis's behalf; he's a big boy and can take some questions being posted to him on Twitter.

    If that is your only example then I was right 'you seem to recall what you want to recall rather than what actually happened; but hey if it keeps you happy and off the streets who am I to complain?'

  7. Grant: I am a very patient man and anyway dealing with these people amuses me.

  8. Mr. Goat,
    Well I confess to getting some amusement out of twigging Lefties now and again myself !


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