
Saturday 16 July 2011

Are News International the only news organisation guilty of misbehaving? Are they even the most guilty?

If you rely on the BBC for your news then you might be forgiven for believing that it was News International that were the prime villains in the hacking story. The truth, as is so often the case when relying on the BBC for news, is somewhat different. Guido Fawkes here explains that:
'Sunday Mirror editor Tina Weaver has been accused directly by Max Keiser of Russia Today of knowing about phone hacking. He makes a series of claims about Weaver’s knowledge of phone hacking including that in 2002 she was aware of Piers Morgan knowledge of the neat little trick. Let the circular firing squad begin…'
Guido Fawkes  here explains that:
'The idea that this crisis is only about News International is fanciful. Look who had the most recorded offences:

Meanwhile The Huffington Post (the BBC's normally favourite source of US news) manages to report that:
'Piers Morgan may be the next person to become entangled in the British media's ever-widening scandal, as members of Parliament have begun calling for the CNN host and former Daily Mirror editor to come in for questioning on phone hacking at the Mirror and other British tabloids.
The calls came after it was revealed that Morgan, who replaced Larry King in January and was editor at News of the World before going to the Mirror in 1995, has known about phone hacking techniques since at least 2001.'

Odd, we knew that Piers was a fantacist (his diaries showed that) but was he also involved in illegal activities? Time will tell but don't expect the BBC to pay much attention to those allegations.

The BBC in the UK and the left-wing media in the USA want this story to be about News International/News Corp and them alone and they will skew their news reporting accordingly. However this story goes much wider and hopefully the truth about The Mirror Group and others will also emerge. What should also emerge in the UK is the truth about the connections between the Labour leadership of Tony Blair & Gordon Brown and News International, links that go far closer than those of the more recent conservative leadership; the pressure must continue.

1 comment:

  1. I'm amazed how many people think NI was the only media company to use rather grubby methods.


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