
Monday 25 July 2011

The EU's plan?

'Europe should become a federal superstate, into which all ancient nations would be fused... For this to be achieved without the peoples of Europe realising what was happening, the plan was to be accomplished in successive steps. Each was to be disguised as having an economic purpose, but all, taken together, would inevitably and irreversibly lead to federation.'
Adrian Hilton writing in "The Principality and Power of Europe".

Sound familiar, plausible, possible?


  1. 1. Not a federal super-state (which would imply the continuing existence of states, and some degree of autonomy for them, as in e.g. the USA), but actually what is intended is a unitary state, with an unelected government, and nothing below that except regional administrations, whose members will also be unelected.

    2. None of this is secret or underhand; it has all be stated quite openly all through the process but such as Monnet, Delors, Giscard d'Estaing, Barroso, etc etc. It's just our politicians who want to keep it secret, so that the people don't wake up in time to what is happening.

    3. It's all going to plan - most recent example being the debt and transfer union which is now taking shape in front of our eyes.

    4. Britain will not escape. David Heath-Cameron will make sure of that.

  2. See "The Great Delusion" by Richard North ( eureferendum blog ) & Christopher Booker. It's all in there.


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